February 20, 2018

The Meaning of February’s Rare Black Moon (It only happens Once every 19 Years).

*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.

During each month we usually experience a new moon and a full moon, and some people believe both have a significant impact on us emotionally, spiritually, and even physically.

The new moon in February has already taken place; however, there will be no full moon in February due to lunar cycle lengths. There were two full moons in January and there will be two in March resulting in a blue moon in both of those months.

This means that as we approach the end of this month and find ourselves looking out for the moon in its full glowing glory, we will instead be looking up at what is known as a “black moon.” Although the moon will still be visible and high in the sky, it will not be fully illuminated at all during the month of February, and this is believed by some to hold great significance in our spiritual lives.

There are two astrological reasons for a black moon; the first is when there are two new moons within the same month (which occurs approximately once every 32 months), and the second, which happens this February, is when there is no full moon in a calendar month. The latter phenomenon is really rare and happens approximately once every 19 years, with the last one occurring in February 1999.

This black moon follows three full moon eclipses, which have brought intense and supercharged energy our way. There is no denying that life has been a roller-coaster of ups and downs these past few months, and with two full moons in March, we are in for more chaotic times. However, for now, we can enjoy a few weeks of reprieve as February sits us at the eye of the storm where all is calm and serene—at least in comparison to past and future weeks!

February is all about processing the truths that we uncovered leading up to the January 31st eclipse and pondering how we are going to move forward with the information we have now. For many of us, the truths have come through awakening to the amplified cosmic energy that poured out from the eclipses and prompted us to open our eyes and see with clarity what is going on around us.

We will have noticed that in recent weeks we were turning our focus inward and discovering hidden depths and layers that we were previously unaware of. This is due to the black moon representing our subconscious mind, putting the spotlight on the inner light within us, rather than on the outer light of the moon that would normally be brightening up the dark night sky.

It is likely that we will crave solitude and silence, and want to retreat into darkness for temporary periods of relief from external drama and noise so we can thoroughly contemplate our circumstances and find long-sought for answers. Insights and wisdom will be coming to us thick and fast, so it is essential that we take time to process and make sense of what information it holds—and the reasons it is coming to us at this exact time.

Our intuition has become drastically heightened over recent months, and we are finally learning to trust in it and to know the difference between fear and reality. We have been awakening at high speeds over the past few months and have been receiving epiphanies about our current lives, which seems as though it comes from nowhere, as our inner guides help us to courageously face up to who we are and confront any aspect of our life that has been masked in illusion.

For many of us, this means we have seen straight through our “fake friends” and people who have gotten close to us solely to benefit their own needs—which wouldn’t be quite so bad if they weren’t willing to recklessly stomp all over us to reach whatever it is they are after.

Now is the time to prioritise ourselves, and mostly to place ourselves out of harms way; therefore, we will find ourselves compelled to cut the binding cords with relationships, friendships, and work ties that have been causing us more turmoil than benefit.

It is never easy to let go of people that we’ve once felt close to, but with our new awareness and understanding, it is far easier knowing that our lives will be much more peaceful and stress-free without certain people or situations blocking our way forward. We may shed a few tears and feel immense heartache over some of these fading connections, but it’s vital to remember that it’s absolutely necessary to declutter and Feng Shui our personal lives if we want to take care of our emotional and mental needs and health.

February is an emotionally intense month, but also one where we are challenged to lean back and surrender to what we cannot change, to alter what we can change, find peace with our past, and have unwavering faith in our future. Basically, it is a time for being in harmony with the present moment, so that our lives can freely flow without our mind needlessly creating obstacles.

This black moon will be responsible for some major positive-energy shifts happening internally, which will primarily lead us to rethink how we have been speaking to, and treating, ourselves. Often we are kind, compassionate, and gentle with our family and friends, and yet we have created an unhealthy habit of beating ourselves up internally over past mistakes, as well as constantly reminding ourselves of what we perceive as inherent personality and character flaws and weaknesses.

Thankfully, as February comes to a close and we pay attention to our thoughts, emotions, and feelings, we will recognise that we haven’t been as tender and nurturing to ourselves as we are to others, and we will see that this is something that must be fixed immediately.

We can change the way we communicate with ourselves by cutting any negative thoughts that we allow into our minds, and try rephrasing and changing the tone with which we speak to ourselves. Instead of lingering on painful memories and prodding around in open emotional wounds, we can choose to radiate warm and soothing healing energy which will naturally vibrate the moment we unconditionally love and accept ourselves exactly as we are.

When we go through energy shifts, it is vital that we discard outdated belief systems, let go of irrational and debilitating thoughts, untangle ourselves from toxic dynamics, and become aware of how we are holding ourselves back by repeating harmful patterns of behaviour.

Black moons are pivotal for clearing negative patterns and catapulting us forward with a clearer, more focused mind, so to make the most of this energetic phase and manifest the life we want to be living, we can ask ourselves the following questions:

Who and what nourishes my soul?

What stories am I telling myself that are keeping me trapped?

Why am I afraid to trust?

What do I need to do in order to love myself more?

How can I connect more with other people on a soul level?

Am I being honest about my emotions and being true to myself?

What do I need to do to forgive myself, and others, fully?

Who or what am I holding on to that is causing dysfunction in my life?

When we do this, we open ourselves up to new beginnings, whether that involves friendships, work opportunities, relationships, or inspirational endeavors, and we give ourselves the chance to reach our fullest potential and become as content as we can be at this time.

It is entirely our choice what we make of this testing and powerful black moon and whether we want to honour, respect, and accept the spiritual lessons and growth that astronomical events such as this offer.

To receive the blessings that sacred lunar energy is capable of delivering, the only thing to do is to trust absolutely in the energy circulating throughout our universe, to become one with it, and effortlessly align with its frequency, so that we embody the current and allow it to move, stir, and shift our lives with its naturally potent rhythm and force.







Author: Alex Myles
Image: Flickr/Maxwell Hamilton
Editor: Travis May
Copy Editor: Callie Rushton


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