March 30, 2018

When the World Feels Hopeless, here’s all You Have to Do. ~ Waylon Lewis

When the World Feels Hopeless, here’s all You Have to Do. ~ Waylon Lewis

You can do it.

We all, I think, want more than anything—more than even to be happy, we want to contribute. We want to help. And, somehow, somewhere deep down, we know that if we can truly help others, we will be truly happy. ..
Often, actually-helping seems nearly-impossible. Then I remember Rachel Carson, or Henry David Thoreau, or even Kerouac or Michael Pollan. These folks wrote something, and it changed our world, influencing scores of other…influencers and leaders.

So whatever you do—however big or small—remember that if it’s constructive, and kind, and not self-righteous, and open, and not too speedy—you can and are making a real difference.

To leave this world a little kinder—as Ginsberg said, everything else is but “drunken dumbshow.”

So when we get tired and wary of nuclear war, climate change, partisan toxicity, school shootings, sexual harassment and wars…remember: all you have to do is wake up, meditate, get present, dedicate yourself to being of benefit, and help out. Whether it’s a little or a lot, that’s all we have to do. Help.

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 1,648,575