May 15, 2018

This is why we Bow.


Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis:

Honor the present moment, now and every week with Waylon and the Elephant Academy team. We start each Academy meeting with a bow.

Curious why? Waylon explains.

“The bow is the symbol of surrendering to others.”

The bow is one of the most useful, helpful, and accessible practices in the Buddhist tradition. It’s as un-spiritually-precious as brushing your teeth. As simple as a handshake. Alone, or in a group, in our personal or work life, the bow serves as a way of showing respect, a reminder of the point of all this, of gratitude for our food, or a way to honor a space we’re entering.

In the business world, we have a lot of meetings. People are all over the place—they’re drinking coffee, they’re on their phone, they’re late, they’re speedy, they’re caught up in drama, or emails and notifications. A bow can bring people back together. And, it can be a powerful moment after a meeting or a meal, instead of rushing off. When we open, and close, properly, something magic happens.

Take a good posture. Bring together heaven; the realm of inspiration, ideas, vision; and the realm of details, of actually getting stuff done. Root yourself, connect with the living solidity of the earth beneath you. Uplift your posture and connect with the space above your head. Then, join heaven and earth together by taking a breath, and connect with your heart, and shoulders—the realm of society, or friendship. Then, give it away. Hold. Feel. Breathe. And remember to smile. It’s about respect and friendship, not some self-serious ritual. ~ Waylon H. Lewis, “It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life


More: Waylon demonstrates how to use natural hierarchy to uplift your life without being uptight.

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Image: @ecofolks on Instagram
Editor: Molly Murphy
Copy editor: Sara Kärpänen 

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