May 13, 2018

Today, I will Rise.

Today, I will rise.

I will channel my inner Tammy Duckworth, my inner Tammie Jo Shults, and rise.

I will rise despite obstacles, despite feelings. I will rise despite my depression, my disease, my diagnosis. I will rise despite the raging waters that slap at my doors, and the sandbags tied to my feet. I will straight up rise, instead of crawling back under the covers, or falling back to sleep.

Despite Confederate flags still waving, despite gun violence still paralyzing, despite the assault on civil rights still blocking liberty and justice for all, despite corruption, fraud, and the Twitter diplomacy of our current godforsaken reality TV president.

I will rise.

Instead of hiding, instead of silence, I will rise.

I will channel my inner Maya, and like dust, I will rise.

I will channel my inner Ruth, and like the truth, I will rise.

I will channel my inner Rosa, and heed the rebel’s call.

Springing to action over apathy,

I’ll watch duplicity fall.

Despite my ovaries; despite being perceived as weak.

Despite being scolded for daring to speak.

Despite being told that my worth comes from my face, my body, or my age.

Despite being ushered back into my cage.

I will rise like the moon, the sun, and the tide.

Stirring kindness into humanity, with love as my guide.

Despite the hatred I see in your eyes,

With swagger, sass, and a confident swing, I will rise.

Despite every last one of your patronizing sighs.

I will walk on by with my voice and my choice,

Without fear, or an offer to compromise.

Despite your endless barrage of lies, I will rise.

Despite your contest, and the way you demonize, I will rise.

With peace and prayer in my heart, I will rise.

Channeling my inner Sarah Breedlove Walker, and against all odds

Channeling my inner Kathrine Switzer, and against the rules,

Channeling my inner Ada Lovelace, and against convention,

Channeling my inner Malala Yousafzai, and against patriarchy,

Channeling my inner Ladonna Brave Bull Allard, and against environmental destruction—

I. Will. Rise.

With hope in every breath I take, leaving something good and lasting in my wake, I will rise.

Today, like every day, I will excavate our mystery.

Clasping the hands of my brave, warrior sisters, I’ll add to our history.

I will rise like the women in front, and the women before, the ones who pressed forward, who opened every door.

I will rise like the ones who smashed the word no—

I will rise today, like every day…

Try and stop me, bro.

But first, coffee.

(A record-breaking number of women are running for public office in 2018).



Author: Kimberly Valzania
Image: Wikipedia
Editor: Lieselle Davidson
Copy Editor: Nicole Cameron

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