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November 19, 2018

The Perfect Pre-Diabetes Diet

Pre-Diabetes is a diagnosis that is often misunderstood. Many think that when they are told they are pre-diabetic it means that they don’t yet have diabetes. The fact however is the prefix “pre” before the word “diabetes” in this diagnosis actually means you are at the first stage of having diabetes. According to Anthony Komaroff, MD, Executive Editor at Harvard Health over the short term (three to five years), about 25% of people with prediabetes develop full-blown diabetes and this percentage is significantly larger over the long term.

Pre-Diabetes is therefore a glaring warning for what is to come. If a person doesn’t reverse diabetes he not only is at risk of becoming diabetic he will also suffer the irreversible damage that diabetes has on the internal organs of the body. But how does one even know if they are suffering from prediabetes?


Classic Pre-Diabetes Symptoms


Generally pre-diabetes symptoms are not that obvious. However, one typically sees a red flag of the onset of Type 2 diabetes if darkened skin appears on certain parts of the body especially the neck, armpits, elbows, knees and knuckles. In addition, if you experience increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue or blurred vision this can also suggest that you’ve moved from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes.

So how does one get a hold of these symptoms in order to prevent a full blown diabetes diagnosis?

The first step is to get your blood sugar levels tested. Many people never go through this first preventive step as it’s not part of their routine checkup. Usually this test is recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure but statistics show that as many as 73 million Americans have prediabetes with only 10% of those over 20 knowing they are actually prediabetic. It is therefore highly recommended to test your blood sugar level if you generally have little or no physical activity, have a family history of diabetes, suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol, had a previous diagnosis of heart disease or had diabetes during your pregnancy.

The next and often most recommended step by doctors is to adopt a diet plan that includes a long list of foods you cannot eat – no carbs, no sugar, no starch, no dairy, no meat, no salt no alcohol. So where did all the fun go? The good news is that you don’t need to exclude every single food that is typically bad for diabetics from your diet. You need to exclude only those foods which are bad for you. The Libre Blood Sugar Diet does just that. Using state of the art technology it understands exactly which foods cause your blood sugar level to spike and recommends that you remove only those foods from your diet.  In order to understand how this new diet works you first need to understand how your body works.

Diabetes is a disease whose onset is caused by your body being unable to regulate its glucose levels. For Type 2 diabetes patients it means that their cells are becoming resistant to the insulin that is being produced. As you are well aware no two persons bodies are alike. Some foods cause people to gain weight while others aren’t affected. So the same works for diabetic patients. Some foods cause your blood sugar levels to spike while others don’t. So the goal should be to find a diet that works for your body and therefore help reverse a pre-diabetes diagnosis.


Getting back your Life with this Pre-Diabetes Diet

The Libre Blood Sugar Diet is the only diet that is customized for you. There is no one plan fits all in this diet. A group of experts constantly monitors your glucose levels through state of the art dieting monitoring system that analyzes the data of each food you eat. This diet includes no medication and has no side effects as its premise is based solely on analyzing each food you eat in real time to see which ones cause your blood sugar levels to spike. This diet has had a 100% success rate since its inception.

Gary who tried this diet described his experience as “never thought dieting could be so much fun”. Coming from a family history of diabetes he went to his doctor who gave him the long list of foods he couldn’t eat and he felt that he was “turning into a rabbit.” With this diet program he discovered that one of his surprise foods that was causing his glucose levels to climb was oatmeal cereal, which is typically recommended to lower cholesterol levels, while his favorite glass of red wine before meals was allowed for him. In addition, he lost 20lbs and never felt hungry during this time. He was even able to stop taking some of his medication.

So the good news is that a prediabetes diet doesn’t have to feel like a life sentence. With the Libre Blood Sugar Diet you can still enjoy some of the foods you love as it helps you to understand which foods cause your blood sugar level to rise and which foods fuel your body better and helps you get healthier and have more energy.


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