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December 20, 2018

Can Fame Actually Mean Success?

In the recent generation everybody has been hungrier for fame even more than success, of course we have so many famous personalities who are equally successful and like wise we have people who are famous but are far from successful, some youth have even misunderstood fame and success but at some great point majority of famous people are equally successful. We have look into the life of so many personalities such as Jayden Bartels who has manage to combine fame and success. She is known to have gain a higher amount of success in her life and like wise she has gain a high rate of fame. We also have a lot of important famous people like Rihanna, Drake, Beyoncé and so many others who has manage to combine success and fame in their life and of course this are the people the younger generations have been looking up to in order to acquire fame and success.

In as much as fame and success are the sweetest part of life, they still can’t be considered as same thing, although success can be amount to power but there are so many successful people in the world we live in who are not famous and there are still some certain famous people who are not poor but have not been able to acquire the success they are hungry for.

According to my knowledge success means when you have achieved you dreams, goal and life desires. Getting your ambitions towards life while Fame is when you have high standard name among the society, you can be easily being identified among a high crowd of people without troubles. According to this point I just mentioned success and fame are not one of the same and can never be.

People have been thrown in this misery of their heart of which is more important between fame and success, well in your heart you know which is more important to you but as much as fame might be the goal of everyone in this generation success is equally important. It will be harder to maintain fame without success, when you are famous people expect much from you, the society want to see you on the peak of every great thing like a great and expensive ride, they all look up to you for a mighty kind of living.

Fame can not be sweet without success; you can only enjoy your fame when you are successful. As it is now we have seen many people who has to go for a reality show just to gain fame and success and we have also seen many successful people go through so many things in order to be well recon with in the society they live in.

The world has considered famous people to be a respected personalities and of course everyone wants to be associated with the famous people. Fame as really been the priority of so many of recent but it can not be considered as being successful.

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