December 17, 2018

The Beautiful, Breathtaking, Bone-Deep Transformation that happens when we Confront our True Selves. {Poem}

Slow down.

Freedom is not found in a fight-or-flight response,
the fast-paced ways we live our lives.

It is not found in perfection.
It is not found in repeating the same old patterns until we die.
It is not found in finally being liked by everyone.
It is not found in doing more, more, more until our bodies ache.
It is not found at TJ Maxx, next to the hats, gloves, and scarves.

Freedom is subtle and gigantic at the very same time.
So big, so softly sweet, so soaring you might miss it.

You might not feel it filling your lungs,
roaring to quench that ancient thirst,
the hunger you were born with.

Freedom is found in your heart.
In those rare, delicious moments of stillness,
when everything drips out,
and you sit
listening, listening
to the precious pulse of the universe herself.

And she is loud.
She is steady.
Hold your ear to the earth like she’s a shell
and listen.

Freedom is subtle.

It is found in spaces between anger, hollowness, fear, shame, and doubt.
And we must feel our feelings.
When we do, they break up,
and their consistency changes
from rock-hard salt
to water.
And you can move.
You can swim
and feel
and find the way
in the ripples of each wave.

You melt into the fabric of life itself,
being stitched and remade,
with each tear and heartbreak and possibility and joy.

It is found in the moments
when we are alone
and can face
There is no distraction.
There is just you,
your breath,
the universe,

And there is nowhere to hide.
And you’re so glad.
Because you wouldn’t dream of it.

can bring tears,
the courage to look at the tender humanness we are, you are, I am.
As you touch your own cheek gently, lovingly.
As you do not look away.

is in the ability to face
the death of the old
and be dazzled
by the fresh, sweet blossoming
the new.

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Sarah Harvey  |  Contribution: 84,555

author: Sarah Harvey

Image: A Star is Born (2018)

Editor: Kelsey Michal