December 25, 2018

The Song that Rekindled my Christmas Spirit.

It took me a while to settle into the Christmas spirit this year.

It didn’t fall upon me naturally, rather, I found myself begrudgingly accepting that the holiday was getting closer day by day.

However, I can point out the very moment that changed.

I was in my kitchen slicing peppers and onions. I moved on to mincing garlic. I had mushrooms sautéing on the stove behind me. In the living room I could hear chatter and every now and then I piped up and contributed to the conversation before returning to my cutting board.

It was then that I heard it: the most gorgeous Christmas song I’d heard in, oh, I don’t even know how long.

It started quietly and I missed the beginning. Before I knew it, I’d abandoned my knife, left the mushrooms to fend for themselves, and walked closer to the TV.

To my surprise, it was Bing Crosby singing a Christmas song with David Bowie. Yes, really. And it blew my mind.

Share this unexpected gem with me and share it with someone you know who will enjoy it as well, as music is the perfect gift. How often does music describe what we ourselves cannot?

Merry Christmas.

“Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Let There Be Peace on Earth
The peace that was meant to be”
~ Vince Gill, “Let There Be Peace on Earth”


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