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January 21, 2019

New Year’s Resolutions Lagging Already? You’re Not Alone. Here’s a Better Way to Make 2019 GREAT!

Many of us set great New Year’s resolutions… to lose weight, to get in shape, stop smoking, to spend more quality time with family and friends…all positive things to bring into our lives.

And you are probably already way behind on fulfilling them.

Unfortunately statistics show that only 8% of us are actually successful in achieving those resolutions. Why is this? Mostly because we see our resolution as black or white. It is a hard stop or start, something we achieve or we don’t. We get to check the box that we did it, or we don’t.

Resolutions hold us to unachievable standard and make us feel guilty, weak or lazy if we don’t achieve them.

Resolutions only set us up for failure.  So don’t bother even making them.

I propose you set intentions instead of resolutions.   Why?  Because it is better for you.

Intention reminds us of what we set out to do, like a resolution, but also sets an attitude that is different than resolutions. Intention allows us grace if we fall. Intention helps us see that we are on the right path and that what we seek is a journey. Along the way we will experience results better than we expected and sometimes less than we expected.

A resolution is finite, definite and discrete. It has a beginning and an end. It is achieved or not.

Intention on the other hand is a feeling, a thought or an attitude. It is how we feel about what we do.

So we can think of a resolution as the ‘thing’ and intention is the ‘why’ behind the resolution.

The more fully you understand your intention, the why behind the resolution, the more likely you are to achieve it. This gives more meaning and relevance to what you want to accomplish.

It moves from being a task or hurdle to get done/over, it shifts from checking a box, to something that adds value to life.  It shifts into a journey not a destination.

For example, let’s say you resolve to ’get in shape’. Take this a step further and ask ‘why’?

Yes, you want to lose a few pounds and look good in those skinny jeans. Why else do you want to ‘get in shape?’

On a deeper level you want to be able to keep up with your kids, not just today but for many years to come. You want to be healthy so that you can enjoy life and take advantage of all that it has to offer.

So the reality of the resolution is not just to get in shape, but also to ‘be healthy, set a good example for my kids and live a long, adventurous life’.

There are many more ways to ‘be healthy, set a good example for my kids and live a long, adventurous life’ than going to the gym every day.

Intentions also give you options.

You realize that you have many options and ways to achieve your resolution. There isn’t only one way.  It is no longer a discrete thing that you do or don’t achieve.

Additionally, you have given it more meaning because you are no longer doing it just for yourself. You are doing it for your family, or something bigger than just you, as well.

Start your New Year off right. Don’t just mindlessly resolve to do something. Keep asking yourself ‘why’ you want something until you come to an answer that is bigger than just you and feels right. Add that answer to your resolution and you have a winning equation.

Uncover the why behind what you want to accomplish and you will set yourself up for greater success.


Author: Yvette Costa, CPC, ELI -MP,

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Image: Pixabay

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