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January 1, 2019

The 3 Most Wanderlust-Worthy Waterfalls in Colorado

Whether the water is crashing from the highest heights or trickling from a bubbly brook, the mere sound of water in motion is enough to strike awe, summon peace, and stir wonder in it’s spectators.

For those of us that have wanderlust brewing in our souls, witnessing the world is an integral part of the entire traveling experience. While food and drink, culture, and people are significant driving factors behind why anyone travels, let’s dive into some photo-worthy sights you must see in your lifetime.

Waterfalls are arguably one of the most awe-inspiring forces of nature and people will go to great lengths to witness it up close and personal. While this list is certainly not the top three in the world, it could be argued these are the top three to see in the state of Colorado within the United States.


  1. Hanging Lake: Named after it’s unique positioning on a cliffside, Hanging Lake is an other-worldly  experience. The whimsical tendrils of water fall from the moss-covered cliffside creating a serene vision to behold. You’ll have to hike the steep, mile-long trail to witness this delicate waterfall, but the reward is worth the effort. Swimming is not permitted in the travertine lake in order to protect the fragile ecosystem within and around the lake. Since this is a popular attraction, make sure to check when the best times to visit are if you are a crowd dodger.
  2. Rifle Falls: This 70-foot cliffside waterfall packs a little more power than our previously mentioned wanderlust-worthy falls. This national park has options for all! If you want to simply behold the beauty of Rifle Falls you can take the .1 mile paved trail to the base of the falls. For the bold and adventurous, there are caves that you can enter and explore as you move further along the trail. Conveniently, the 1.5 mile trail does loop all the way back to the trailhead. If you’re wanting to soak in the glory of Rifle Falls and all it has to offer a little longer, there are plenty of camping spots available as well.
  3. Bridal Veil Falls: At 365 feet high, Bridal Veil Falls boasts the longest hike required at roughly 4 miles, but that is just if you are daring enough to hike to the top of the falls themselves. The majority of the trail is actually vehicle-friendly which may be the preferred method of transportation since this has been described as more of a “destination hike”. Once the stunning falls are in sight, you can also see the historic and quaint power plant atop the cliff where the water surges to the drop below. If you choose to  drive to see this particular waterfall you may also consider taking the Bridal Veil trailhead to Blue Lake and other destinations in the Bridal Veil basin.

Whether you’re seeking wonder, adventure, or a challenge these top 3 waterfalls will give you a little bit of each when traveling in Colorado. By no means are they the best in the world, but it can be said these three are some of the most unique and awe-inspiring.

Comment below on the most wanderlust-worthy waterfalls you’ve witnessed in your lifetime! Let’s all see the world together!

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