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January 7, 2019

Words Unseen Force Shaping Life

If I tell you that Words are shaping human life, then you may not believe it.

But it is the truth.

Words are the force to communicate, spread the idea, make people follow you, build communities and even nations.

There was a time when word of mouth was the only way to spread the word or idea. People were participating in public meetings to get the idea of what is happening in the world of politics, nation and the world.

But with the origin of the internet, words have gained more power.

Now, sites like search engines and social media networks are using the power of words to influence the decision of people worldwide.

A study has reportedly said that “Google search results can influence the election result.”

This shows the power of words in today’s world.

But it is the time to find out how Words are shaping the world or words can influence your decision.

If you are reading this article or you are on this website that means you understand the power of words or words of this site attracts you.

The words published in the shape of articles can easily influence the people.

There are a whole lot of sites based on written content such as TechCrunch, Mashable, Facebook, Twitter, eAskme, Yahoo, Google, etc are the best examples of the sites that influence people.

Every month millions of people are visiting these sites to find solutions.

You tech solution you visit TechCrunch, You want to connect with others you use Facebook, You want to send emails when you use Gmail, you want to ask questions then you use Quora.

Why are people visiting these sites?

Because people want the solution and the best solution they get is in the shape of words.

Now, there are sites like which can not only help you by proving solution but also influence buyer decision.

For Example, you want to buy a book and search on Google; then Google will display you the best online options available to buy the book. There can be thousands of websites, but Google influences your buying decision to buy only providing popular sites on the first page.

This means you will buy the book from Amazon as it shows on the first page, but will not find another website which is selling the same book on cheap rate because the site is not showing on the first page.

This example tells you how the internet and websites are using words to shape your life.

Some sites influence your decision by showing reviews.

Review sites use the power of words to tell you how user-friendly a website is.

Still, many people publish a fake review on these sites to influence your decision.

That means there is no guarantee that the review of the product or service you are reading is genuine.

The same thing happens in the video world. Sites like YouTube has thousands of channels where people are reviewing products. Most of the time review only tell you for what he got paid. This way you will never get the right picture but follow the advice of the reviewer.

These are the examples that tell that the internet and people are using words to shape your life.

Is this an evil?

No words are not the evil; the only crime is the way people use them to influence you.

How to save yourself from walking in the wrong direction?

The easiest way to use words in your favor only is by testing. You cannot tell who is telling the truth and who is lying as long as you do not test the product or service yourself.

You can also ask for a demo of the service or the products before you make the final decision.

These are few ways to shape your life in your way, not just the way how people are trying to influence you.

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