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February 27, 2019

Breaking Through Fear: How Changing One Habit Can Transform your Life!

Imagine waking up every day to a life that you loved! What would that feel like? Who would you become?

Unfortunately, most of us don’t live this way. We work hard, but we’re not getting the intended results. Or, there always seems to be something standing in our way. We know we’re capable of so much more, but we feel stuck.


So, what prevents us from achieving our dreams? Fear and limiting beliefs have a lot to do with it. I spent 10 years trying to break the fear barrier, and I finally succeeded!

Now, I manifest what I want and I’m able to live my truth without compromise. And, you can do the same!

The Obstacles.

An abundant life is available to everyone. And, the possibilities are endless. Yet, most of us don’t even realize it!

Instead of going after what we truly want, we play it safe. Then, we make excuses as to why something won’t work before we get started. As a result, we stay in our comfort zones, even when we’re unhappy!

Moreover, we’re taught to see the world from a perspective of lack rather than abundance. We learn this from our parents who most likely learned it from their parents. And, these ideas have shaped our reality.

Beliefs about the World.

  • Be happy with what (little) you have.
  • Don’t expect too much from life.
  • Only a small number of people can achieve their dreams.
  • You are not powerful.

Millions of people live by these unspoken rules everyday.


Beliefs about Ourselves.

In addition, we all have personal limiting beliefs, although most of us don’t realize it. Limiting beliefs are the negative thoughts that hold us back from reaching our full potential.

We learn who we are at a young age by listening to the adults around us. And, their opinions become part of our identity, although they usually have very little to do with our true self.

Over time, we absorb these beliefs into our subconscious mind. As a result, we put restrictions on what we can and cannot do. Subsequently, we end up creating a life based on how other people see us.

For instance, you may have been taught to believe that:

  • Your feelings don’t matter.
  • You aren’t smart enough to _______. (You can fill it in.)
  • You’ll always be overweight, have a bad temper, be unhappy, etc.
  • Bad things always happen to you, or you’re just not lucky.

And, these beliefs cause unnecessary pain because they’re not a true reflection of you. Yet, they’ll continue to negatively impact your life until you decide to do something about it.

Life Lessons.

For instance, we all know someone who makes the same mistakes over and over again. And, although the solution is obvious to everyone else, they just can’t see it.

Their limiting beliefs have created a blind spot. They’re unable to recognize the destructive habits and thoughts that keep them stuck and unhappy. And, we’ve all been there! However, we’ll continue to face the same challenges over and over again until we learn the lessons we’re meant to learn.

You are not who you think you are! Start questioning everything you believe about yourself. Get rid of the heavy baggage you’ve been carrying around. Free yourself from the past. It’s time rewrite your story!


Human Nature.

Our comfort zones may be safe, but keep they us stuck. They allow us to settle into a way of life that encourages us to give up on our dreams. 

Understandably, the unknown is a scary and intimidating place. And, it takes courage and focused effort to break the fear barrier. But, you have what it takes. Think back to a time when you were fearless and the world was yours for the taking. That little warrior is still there. And, she’s waiting for you to reclaim your power!

Sure, you’ll have to put yourself in a vulnerable position. And, that can be terrifying. But, don’t worry, it does get easier. And, the end result will be an incredible life!

So, shut off the television, re-prioritize, and reclaim your passion for life. Soon, you’ll begin to see the world in a new way. People will begin responding to you differently. Life will open up to you.


The world is an abundant place. Just look around. Nature illustrates this in many ways: grains of sand, leaves, blades of grass, the ocean, millions of animal species. However, we’ve become blind to the miracles around us. You are one of those miracles just waiting to happen. And, you can break the fear barrier right now! Take that leap of faith!

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