February 16, 2019

The Bad News & the Good News about Social Media. ~ Waylon Lewis

The bad news about social media and tech is that it’s addictive, taking the space up in our life and filling gaps of peace and inspiration. We no longer look up, too often, when we text and walk (let alone drive). It’s helped to give rise to fake news and division and authoritarianism around the world.

But there’s good news, too. It enables you to write, and share your writing or videos or art with the world—instantly, and free. That’s kinda magic. You can text your child or loved one about where to meet up, say, or that you love them, instead of being out of touch. And, profoundly, we can use social media to create a career of meaning that pays the bills, includes flexibility, and is of real benefit to our planet. That’s what I train you in, in Elephant Academy.

So here’s your invitation.

Join our Community. It’s meaningful, and affordable, and about being of benefit, and learning. Treat yo’self.

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