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February 5, 2019

The Gift of Your Presence

What kind of gift giver are you?

Are you generous? Or stingy?
(It has nothing to do with money)

Because wherever you go, there you are.

In every encounter we have throughout our day, we have the opportunity to gift our essence.

Happily, we get to choose the kind of gift we will be.

Will we be amusing? Or angry?
Thoughtful? Or thoughtless?
Polite or Rude?
Serious or Silly?
Filled with love? Or filled with fear?
Delicious? Or leaving a bad taste?

If we are mindful enough, we can ask:

-What gift can this person really use?

And then:

-What kind of gift do I want to be?

Moment by moment we have the opportunity to make the choice.

Can we realize the ultimate gift we have to give and offer only love?


We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. 

~Winston S. Churchill

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