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March 4, 2019

Spaces of Love

While we’re in this constant state of seeking for our truth, we reach plateaus and in these plateaus, we once again forget — forget our purpose, forget why we’re here and from this space of forgetfulness, we begin reach outside of ourselves. We begin to reach towards anything that will fill this painful void, a void that was once a reservoir of self-remembrance — an infinite well of our own individuality. These on going patterns of our wounds that come to their peak, and once again fall back into the invisible web that connects us all..

Remember your breath.

I’m really beginning to see these patterns just as they are — patterns. My comparisons, my self-defeating jealousy, my uncontrollable fear of losing the ones I love. I’ve always seen these things as who I am, that I was born into this lifetime as a soul who’s demons were bigger than her guardians and it wasn’t until I really started do the work that I began to see these ghosts for what they are: unhealed parts of myself.

This journey into my soul has lead to be see that group work is fundamental for this realization, you know? The realization that we are all wounded and that our woundedness is actually the driving force behind much purpose in our lives. It becomes our indicator of where work needs to be done, where love needs medicate and where compassion needs to flow. The issue is not in the wounds themselves, the issue is in the view of our wounds – the rejection of them, the belief that we are not strong, that we are not worthy and that we are not enough if these wounds exist.

We have to bare ourselves to the winds of exposure; we have to challenge the egoic desire to hide and dive deep into the spaces of love that other beings offer us unconditionally. For these spaces are the spaces where true healing exists and where true connection forever lies.

Welcome home.


A message…


“And then, it happens. We leap… we leap into the arms of trust, into the arms of the universe and suddenly, we remember. We remember why we chose this lifetime, why we chose this body… why we chose to do this work. Once this remembrance settles, once this fundamental truth is felt, we are inwards — our reach contracts and we look inside. Inside our bodies, inside our minds, inside our souls to discover that everything is exactly as its supposed to be — everything is apart of the game, apart of the process.  You see that your wounds, your pains and all the shame that you have built around them are there for you to heal. They are your curriculum and they are an integral part of this on going process towards truth.”

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