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March 4, 2019

Win at Life: Learn How to Use Every Situation to Your Advantage!

Have you ever watched a leaf fly through the air? It has no control over where it’s going. It’s at the mercy of the wind. Well, that’s exactly how many of us go through life.

This is because we react to everything that happens to us. As a result, we allow the outside world to dictate how we feel.

Win at Life!

In reality, you are in complete control of your emotions. It’s time to stop blaming other people, and circumstances, for your unhappiness. No one else can make you feel bad unless you allow it. And, this can only happen if:

  • You value another person’s opinion more than your own.
  • You don’t realize that how people treat you is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.
  • You don’t have faith in God, the Universe, or a higher power.

And, even with this knowledge, it can still be challenging! But, there are some things you can do to make sure that you win at life!


When people are unkind or rude, you don’t have to react. This doesn’t mean you should accept bad behavior or stay in an abusive or dysfunctional situation. But, accept your current reality. Then, you will be able to make effective decisions moving forward. Instead of getting stuck in negativity, try the following:

  • Breathe. This will calm you down and bring you back to the present moment.
  • Don’t behave badly, or compromise your values, because someone doesn’t treat you well.
  • Ask yourself if there’s a lesson you can learn from this situation.
  • There might a deeper issue causing you to feel upset. Is there you something you need to address?

You’re here to experience life. But, you can’t do that if you resist it. So, keep an open mind when life doesn’t go your way. Your hardships can turn into your greatest blessings.

Don’t Be Judgemental.

We judge other people all the time, especially when we feel insecure. Many times, we don’t even realize we’re doing it. So, be aware of your thoughts. Are they positive or helpful? If not, change your mindset by looking at things from a new perspective.

  • You never know what someone else is going through, so be compassionate.
  • Everyone is at a different place in their journey. And, when people know better, they’ll do better. Just think back to who you were ten years ago.

Let it Go.

Life doesn’t always give you what you ask for, and that’s a good thing! Think back to all the things you once wanted so badly. Would you still want them now? Probably not! So, keep the following in mind:

  • Focus on the journey, not the destination. Make every day count!
  • Trust the Universe. It will always give you the best possible outcome when you do!

Never Give Up!

Life is full of challenges, and things won’t always go your way. If you’re making a lot of positive changes, it might feeling like your life is falling apart at first. That’s only because the Universe is making room for something much better. So, don’t give up!

  • Stay fully engaged in the present moment, and always give your best effort.
  • Have gratitude for all the wonderful things in your life.
  • Get moving! Exercise makes you feel powerful and puts you in a positive head space.
  • Remind yourself that it’s not all about you. Get out there and do some good in the world!

Win Life!

When you use every situation to make you stronger and better, success will happen naturally. Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back from enjoying all the wonderful things life has to offer. It’s time to win at life!

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