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April 27, 2019

6 things to remember before fixing your Dermaplaning appointment

Detoxification or Detox (trendy buzzword) is a body ritual of traditional importance that involves herbal concoctions and a wheatgrass shot (at times), performed to deep cleanse our body from all the unnecessary and parasitic toxins. But that is all about the body, our face–an honest mirror of our inner self, also requires a de-stressor too, so as all that hyperpigmentation, scars, black and white heads, wrinkles, fine lines, dead skin cells and facial hair, stay at par so as new cell growth can be simulated.

In case of face detox is on your to-do list right now, then here are 5 things to know before you book an appointment for dermaplaning:

Dermaplaning will not bring back your facial hair, thick and hard: A common myth associated with Dermaplaning is that it causes hair to grow back darker, harder and thicker. The truth is that hair, after it’s usual cyclic growth, might appear to be blunt on the edges since the removal is done by a scalpel. They grow in the same texture as before, follow the same growth cycle and follow the same natural speed.

You will have to be extra vigilant with SPF thereafter: Since dermaplaning is a detailed exfoliation process, you will have to wear SPF regularly and ritualistically as your skin would become more susceptible to the sun afterwards. A suggestion, you might want to skip the sloughing treatment.

Your makeup outcomes will change entirely: Your makeup will go super smooth. Since all that extra hairs are now gone, even the hardest make up like the peach fuzz would tend to stay for long hours under that face powder and foundation. You will be thankful for your dermaplaning.

Chose your dermatologist carefully: When the decisions about what has to be applied on the facial skin have to be made, a little extra concern about the dermatologist profile would be justified. Chose your doctor wisely, read the reviews online and examine the performance by asking other customers and then zero on your choice.

The results would last for only few weeks: It is cleared before the procedure that the dermaplaning only removes three weeks of dead skin cells, which means that the results or the glow will last for a month at least. In order to maintain the results, you will be forced to repeat the process every month.

The average cost of dermaplaning will cost around 250 USD: The cost of the procedure will somewhere range from 150-250 USD, but it will be worth the money once you start observing the difference. Please note that dermaplaning can’t be done at home without taking a proper course. In case you wish to learn the entire procedure and save the wallet, then you can undergo dermaplaning training and start with your own process.

Few benefits to note the dermaplaning session:

  1. Smoothens the rough skin
  2. Bright complexion
  3. Eliminates hyperpigmentation and tones down mild scarring
  4. Smoothens wrinkles and fine lines
  5. Even skin tone and texture

Final Words: Dermaplaning is a serious procedure and specially for those who suffer from continuous breakouts. In case you have an acne prone skin or are at present going through an acne cycle, then it is suggested to skip the dermaplaning procedure and wait till the time you retain your original face colour.

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