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April 2, 2019

A Bucket List for the Living

How many days do you have left?

Using a life expectancy calculator, you can calculate just that.

Sound morbid? Maybe. But considering how exquisitely short life is and how many incredible, awe-inspiring things there are to do in the world, this puts how little time we get into crystal-clear perspective.

We only get to live once! We only truly get today.

Do you want to continue hating your life, being bored or complacent or stuck, putting your passions on the back burner, and feeling miserable? Do you want to continue your negative thought patterns and tired routines? Do you want to wake up drained, uninspired,  just waiting for life to happen to you?

Or do you want to get living?

Do you want to dare to dream big and take concrete steps towards achieving everything you’ve ever wanted? Do you want to live your best, most authentic, thoroughly kick-butt life?

Begin by saying “Thank You” for what’s already yours. When we are grateful for what we have, we invite into our universe more of what we want.

Change what you say to yourself. Stop saying “I’m fat, I’m ugly, I’m broke, I’m bored, I’m tired, I’m helpless, I’m unlovable.” Start saying “I’m awesome, I’m creative, I’m fearless, I’m adventurous, I’m curious, I’m learning, I’m worth loving, I’m amazing!”

I became an instant fan of a new Facebook Watch show called Will Smith’s Bucket List. The premise of the show is Will Smith goes out and does everything he has always dreamed of doing or been too terrified to do. Sounds grandiose, right?

It really resonated with me.

I began wondering why I have been waiting “Until The Right Time” to do the things I’ve always wanted to do. Should I wait until I am terminally ill, or too old to really enjoy them? Should I keep putting them off until I’m older, wiser, or more ready? Should I keep making excuses or blaming outside circumstances for my own discontent? Or should I start living, truly living, right now, today?

Why not?

I want to look fear right in the eyeballs and laugh. The only thing waiting for me on the other side of my fear is everything I’ve ever wanted.

I decided to make my own bucket list and keep adding to it year by year. I have two rules. I have to complete this list THIS YEAR and I cannot subtract anything off of the list once it’s on there.

I hope my list inspires you to sit down and make your own.

What are you waiting for?


My Bucket List, 2019 Edition

-Visit 5 State and/or National Parks.

-Take a guitar lesson.

-Sing a duet with my son and record it.

-Do an aerial photography session.

-Publish my second book.

-Sell a piece of art.

-Submit an article to a well-known publication.

-Learn French (the basics).

-Reconnect with an old friend.

-Write a letter to my favorite author.

-Develop a practice of meditation.

-Go to a concert.

-Run a 5K.

-Kiss my husband in the rain.

-Prank someone.

-Go geocaching.

-Visit a cave.

-Make a sand castle with my teenagers.

-Watch a sunrise over a lake.

-Volunteer to walk dogs at the humane society.


My day is half over. I’d better go get started on my list!



I’d love to hear what’s on YOUR bucket list. Please comment with your list, how this article has inspired you, or what you’ve already crossed off yours!

Go out and live the life YOU design!


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