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April 1, 2019

Back to Love : Back to your True Self.

I was raised by people who did not see me.

I was raised in a home where there was no love.

I was invisible.

Since I can remember myself, I had this deep void in my heart that was striving to be filled in with love.

It has pushed me beyond myself – far ahead of who I was, as I strived to be seen, to be heard, to be connected to another loving human heart.

I was dying for a heart to heart deep loving connection, but it just simply had never happened.

Until I had the courage to discover who I am: I was, after all, that deep divine love, I was so craving for.

I was raised by people with closed hearts.

I was raised by people who did not know how to love.

I was raised by people who did not know themselves and did not see their own true essence.

How can they love another human when they cannot love themselves?

How can they see another human if they do not see themselves?

A child wants to be loved, seen and accepted, and this very child needs to be supported and appreciated for who he is.

The child does not understand that those people raising him do not know how to love themselves, so they simply do not know how to love others.

Usually, a child chose to decide that there is something wrong with him.

I did that.

I have decided I was not good enough, that’s why my parents did not love me and did not see me; like many of us did.

So I started working hard on myself, and at that time, for me, it was a lifesaving decision.

I’ve got a purpose.

I’ve got a goal.

I’ve got to become better with the hope that they could see me. I hoped that they can notice how good I truly am; and then, they will finally love me. That hope to be loved made me hold on.

Otherwise, I was dying – totally lost and disconnected from LOVE. I was detached from others and my own very true essence.

That’s how love is replaced with attention-seeking.

That’s how love is replaced with the material world.

I will get more and more of sparkly material possession; I will win, I will become good and impressive.

They will notice me, they will see me, they will love me.

So I became rich, I became famous, I became smart, I became powerful, fun, beautiful…but love has never happened.

Still, they have never noticed me.

They saw my sparkly clothing and they were noticing material things as they were grabbing them,

but they never saw me for who I am, behind that sparkly empty shine of material goods.

They only saw themselves; miserable scared people who’ve never learned how to love.

It was not their fault, not at all; as they simply were never loved. Nobody ever showed them how to do it. Their hearts were closed.

They were suffering from their own deep emotional pain that they were projecting onto the world and onto me.

They saw themselves.

They only saw their pain in others.

They only saw what they were; they have not seen what they are not.

They never saw anyone else but themselves.

There was no love.

It was very sad.

For all those traumatized by loveless families and non-awakened parents who do not take responsibility for themselves:

I see you;

I love you;

I know your path is harsh.

I feel your pain.

We usually do seek love from emotionally unavailable partners and fake friends who also cannot love.

We never saw any better.

We are hurting.

We are hurt.

We are running away and hiding; then coming out again, keep reaching out for love.

That’s how we are learning.

I know this void deep inside will reach the peak of pain, one day.

I know one day, your heart will lose its boundaries, wide open for a deep love connection with another human being; for yourself, and for others.

I know one day you will see:

There is love.

You do deserve love.

You are love.

One day, you will give all this love you’ve never got to yourself, first.

Then, all your being will fill itself up with infinite light of divine love.

All this work you are doing on yourself – opening your heart and learning your true essence, won’t be wasted.

As soon as you see yourself, as long as you learn to love yourself, you will see those wounded kids: emotionally unavailable people who do not know how to love and see nobody but themselves, for who they really are.

Then, you stop trying to impress them and stop getting love from the empty vessel, where there is no love.

You stop knocking on the door that is closed.

You stop seeking the attention of people who cannot see you; people who cannot love.

The need for their love will vanish into nonexistence; onto full acceptance of who they are. Wounded people who cannot love.

This is when miracles start happening.

That’s when you start meeting people who could love you.

That’s when you start seeing people who will see you.

That’s when you learn to connect heart to heart to your real soul family and that’s when you meet your real lover, who sees the essence of you because he is aware of his.

There is love behind our memories and behind our ‘knowing’ that it is not there.

There is love when we forget that there was none.

There is love behind our pain of separation.

There is love behind us knowing there is nothing.

I love you.

I see you for who you are, so should you.

Keep walking your path.

Keep discovering yourself.

Keep collecting pieces of your soul, piece by piece.

Then that very day, when your soul pieces are fully assembled, you will meet the lover, your soulmate partner who could love you and see you for who you are. And he’d open up his heart for deep emotional infinite loving connection.

When you love, when you know the real you, you will see your lover, who will be amazed by the beauty of your true essence and by your deep compassionate loving heart, mirroring his.

Your souls will be pulled together in love, through all their shields of safety boundaries, and all their pain dirt that will fade away as souls are reaching out for connection with each other.

And nothing will be left, but loving compassionate union of genuine real hearts; infinitely sharing divine love, heart to heart, soul to soul.

I am grateful to all those people who raised me – people, who cannot love – because they pushed me so far ahead of my boundaries – to the sky, to the highest of divine LOVE.

The love I am.

You are.

We are.


One love.

One soul.

One destiny.

One infinite dance

Of cosmic lovers.



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