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May 21, 2019

The biggest love comes after the biggest heart break or when is it right time to go f****g wild

A heartbreak after a break up is one of the most indescribable pains we can ever experience.

It does not only take you away from your usual passions, but it also blinds you from the immense power of your heart. The excruciating pain you feel tricks you to perceive that you have nothing left to offer or share.

You might be feeling like a complete failure and not deserving of love.

Then, comes a time when you find it hard to trust anyone once again.  You doubt that the next person will not give you pain anymore.  You feel that perhaps, something was wrong with you that’s why you lost the love of your life.

How do you learn to trust people again?

How do you hold space for the pain you are going through?

Is there a way to protect your heart so it won’t get broken again?

Do you know that your biggest true love comes along after the biggest heartbreak?

Get ready!

Get excited!

Let’s get to inner work to tune up with amazing love that is coming your way.

Unless I want to repeat the same pattern of break up again-

I take my time to heal.

I take my time to rediscover myself.

I take my time to chill and rest.

I connect with my inner child, and I moan and suffer my loss deeply.

I feel all the pain of my broken heart; I open up with the intention to learn what went wrong.

I allow the deep suffering of my broken heart to reveal the truth to me – of what my lesson here is.

What is there for me to learn?

I invite all love and compassion of this Universe to my broken heart.

I connect with the love that I am.

I process, and I take my time to deeply heal my broken heart.

Then, I release my pain to the Universe, as I am ready to let it go…


At some point, when I am ready to start exploring again, I would start dating. I open myself up to meeting new people and create new friendships.

I see that the biggest mistake of mine always was to fall in love too fast before strong friendship is developed.  Now I go ahead with caution: observing the potential partner behaviors and allowing his patterns freely and naturally reveal themselves.


Do not get me wrong:

I am absolutely up for the divine soulmate: the true lover; the biggest love of my life.

I am wild in love. As wild as it gets!

So I believe you are too: wild and passionate.


However, we might choose not to go wild, unless we are absolutely perfectly fit together; we are the best friends and the best partners; we are divine lovers, and there is nobody in the world to fit together as we do.

We are excited to share the journey, and go f*****g wild…so, why rush?

I would develop a deep friendship first.  I would be my true self no matter what, and I want to see your true self no matter what, too!


Get to know the real you; get to know the real me.


When a woman and man stop hiding from each other: we are opening up for real deep connection.

So, unmask yourself, and amazingly, wrong people will disappear from your radar. As you do so, the right people will be attracted to the real you no matter what.

Real people

stop hiding who they really are,

what they are really going through,

what hurts them,

what they suffer from,

what they lack,

and what their real needs are…

Real people show well what excites them;

what they love,

and what they hate;

What they want and what they do not want:

when they stop hiding their real selves, there is a great opportunity for real Love to be born.


We have to stop pretending being what we are not!           


Until we stop pretending we are not hurting, when we are hurting,

until we stop hiding our fears and struggles from each other;

until we stop withdrawing in fear of not being accepted for who we are;

until we start sharing openly our deepest desires and fears with our partner;

until we appear naked and vulnerable in front of each other as we are –

with no hiding and no trying to impress;

until such time we are fully open and fully present with each other:

Real Love between man and woman is not possible to grow.

It will just be a temporary infatuation: the destruction, the confusion

that will vanish as reality kicks in.

This infatuation will always lack the depth, and it will always lead to pain and disappointment.

It is always based on lust which leads nowhere else but to confusion and destruction.


The loss of self.

No real meaning. No purpose.


There simply won’t be enough presence to actually create love, connect in Love, and stay in Love.


So before I go really wild, we got to see each other first – for real – in the wholeness of our beings; where we are fully transparent, honest and open, and trusting.


Where we can create a safe, loving, kind, compassionate, mindful, non-judgmental space for love, healing, and growth to blossom.


No reason to rush: we have eternity as our playground.


Real Love is behind our shadows;

Real Love is behind lust,

and behind our pain attraction vibration.


Love is as deep as the ocean.

Love starts building up when infatuation fades.

Love is not lust and it is not infatuation.

Love is feeling safe, cared for, protected, and deeply compassionate for each other…

Love: when you are in each other arms, you just melt in the warm ocean of passion and safety.

Love is consciousness.

Love is pure and true.

Love does not play games.

Love does not run away.

Love keeps you warm and cozy in any life storm: it never leaves you abandoned.

Love is behind your emotions.

Love is deeper than me, deeper than us, deeper than this world…

Love is complete surrender: to love each other deeply, with no secrets and no holdback.


Love is full undivided presence and one-pointed focus onto each other and into us.

Love is sharing ‘us’ with the world; sharing the world with ‘us’.

Love is me, love is you: love is everything around us…

Love is you and me and all the world inside us.


Lovers are the world.

Lovers are love.

We are love.


I will say YES to dating again – bravely, boldly, and wildly!


With the right partner; the lover, the loser, the silly belly, who is my King and my Lover- and my best friend.


Then we both decide: it is time to love deeply and we’ll go f… g wild.

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