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June 5, 2019

A political Cock-Up

Being British, it is thusly a very odd a political moment and in my own opinion an utter cock up.
Let me explain this cockup known as Brexit and how it all came about.

  1. Nigel Farage was the leader of UKIP from 2006 – 2016, he always fought for an independent Britain and in 2016 a referendum was done based around leaving the EU, the Majority being an extra couple percent won on a leave vote and thus Brexit began.
  2. Soon as Brexit came underway the man that fought for it decided it was time to leave his position as leader of UKIP and stop in politics, Conservatives Teresa May then had to deal with Brexit as voted by the people.
  3. Well with Teresa May at the helm of this Brexit operation things only got worse, respectably she did her best to try and leave with some form of deal , but during this time, more information was sent out about Brexit that the people didn’t know to begin with.
  4. With Teresa May now stepping down from office Nigel Farage comes back from the woodworks with The Brexit Party, because things didn’t go his way.

Now personally I think the idea of Brexit is an utter cockup, the problem that is had with the British Government is no one thought of the consequences and no one decided to think ahead, the Brexit issue has been going of for just over three years and in that time no deals have been made based around trade with other countries.

So here is what is most likely going to happen regarding Brexit.

  1. By October 31st 2019 , the British Goverment have to decide and plan a deal for leaving Brexit, this was agreed by the EU if the British Goverment stood in the EU elections which Shockingly Nigel Farage and the Brexit Part Won.
  2. If no deal is made with the EU by this date then the UK would have to leave with a no deal policy which means we won’t get any further support from the EU for the next decade.
  3. Due to the stupidity of the British Politicians, tax is likely to go up for those that are already struggling, the NHS will most likely end up privatized, cuts would be made in the wrong places and money will more than likely be spent on stupid stuff rather than needed stuff, this would put the UK in one of the biggest recessions to be experienced.

So the UK is by far in a huge a major crisis, 90% of the votes to leave were based around racism, to many lazy British people constantly use the phrase “There taking our jobs” , when actually the British people are too lazy to do.
The UK has the highest unemployment rate and one of the highest homelessness rates as well.
So following Brexit what would I personally do to make things smooth sailing.

  1. Start a trade agreement with China, they are the most advanced technological countries in the world which would be beneficial for cyber security.
  2. Start Trade Agreements with the Dominican , Mediterranean and Caribbean Islands, they have great Agricultural schemes, and would be beneficial regarding food and most importantly coffee.
  3. Lower the Amount spent on foreign aid, so more money can be put towards social housing in the UK to lower the Homeless Crisis.
  4. In addition Provide free training in building schemes to lower the unemployment rate.
  5. Fix the benefit system and provide alternative solutions.
  6. Leave the EU based on a Transport agreement so holidays and visits across the EU stay cheap.
  7. Re-hold a referendum and ask for reasons why to leave, to cancel out votes that are based on Racism.

Over the next few years times are going to be tough within the UK and I believe that crime will increase and riots will happen, most the people that voted leave , voted around racist behaviour, and those people are expecting that once brexit goes through, people that have migrated to the will be deported , which isn’t exactly going to happen thus forcing racist voters to riot against those that are not deemed as British, Civil War is most likely to happen.

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