June 29, 2019

The Best thing you can do for Yourself.

The Climate Solutions Summit 2019 takes place online, June 27-30.

No, you don’t have to go out and buy an expensive, fancy electric car.

It’s much easier than that, and you can do it daily.

There has been a lot of dialogue recently about “100 large corporations owning 71 percent of global emissions.” However, we are all responsible for our planet. With each and every purchase we make, we vote for these corporations. We vote for or against the environment, and the bottom line is that we all matter in the reversal of climate change.

Johan Rockstrom​, scientist and expert of “planetary boundaries,” co-director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and leader at the Climate Solution Summit, hits this sentiment when he says that we love having guardrails on the highway to save our lives, but we shrug off planetary boundaries like they aren’t a big deal—boundaries like limiting our plastic use, implementing carbon taxes, and recycling.

The hard truth? If the planet doesn’t exist, neither will our highway guardrails—or us, for that matter. So why don’t we prioritize our planet?

The good news? We can easily start today.

One thing we can do daily to ensure our planet and guardrails continue to exist in the future is to reduce our meat consumption—daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, all we have to do is eat less.

The largest impact we can make lies in our habits—what we are eating each and every day. Yes, that’s right. The answer is in our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is not an ode to stop recycling. That matters too, but the entire life cycle process of meat is responsible for 18-20 percent of our greenhouse gases annually. That’s only second to fossil fuels.

It might seem daunting at first, but all we have to do is consume less—and eat mostly plants.

How to get started today:

  1. Buy locally. Even buying your meat locally cuts down the life cycle emissions of greenhouse gases.
  2. Eat less. We can start by taking steps toward eating less meat by being mindful of our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly consumption. Though it is argued that a diet solely based on plants is the best for us and the planet, cutting down our meat consumption in any form will make an impact. Between now and 2050 (keeping everything else business as usual), if we transition to plant-based diets, that could equate to a 70 percent emission reduction.

That is a huge reduction, and it doesn’t depend on our top 100 corporations. It depends on us and the choices we make every single second of our day. By working together and changing our habits, we can make a lasting impact.

As Deepak Chopra says, this isn’t about our environment. Environment is, perhaps, the wrong word.

“We call it the environment, but this is recycling as your body. Those rivers are recycling as your circulation. The air is your breath. The trees are your lungs.” ~ Deepak Chopra


It’s time to activate solutions to the climate crisis.
Join the Climate Solutions Summit 2019 online, June 27-30 and join the conversation.
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#CSS2019 @KampSolutions

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Image: Kamp Solutions