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July 6, 2019

Finding Your Footing and Following Your Dreams as a Recent College Graduate.

A Chapter Closes

Sometimes I’m amazed I even made it through college.

The toll it took on my mental health is a tradeoff I’m not sure I’d make again, could I do it over. I worked harder on graduating with honors than I ever had at anything else in my life. So, when I walked across that stage and received my diploma, I was very proud of myself. I did it, I thought, I actually did it.

The Real World Calls

But then reality hit.

I had spent so much time surviving school that I hadn’t adequately planned for the future. Sure, I had sent out a few applications, two of which had gotten me interviews but no job. I had no source of income. I had some money saved and I knew my parents would help me out for a while, but I also knew I needed to find a way to make a viable living—and soon.

When a Desk Job isn’t Right

That I had no source of stable income had me panicking, especially because, in the back of my mind, I knew a traditional job didn’t appeal to me at all. That’s probably part of why I had put off finding one in the first place.

While I knew I could find a job that paid decent money, I also knew I wanted to enjoy my work. As I looked through jobs suited for an English major, I came across a freelance writer. It’s always been a dream of mine to be my own boss and to write.

I decided I would give it a chance. I bought a course on freelance writing, I was writing and marketing every day, and I even started setting up meetings with people to help me make my business official.

Doubt Closes In

But then other people close to me started to doubt if I could really earn money freelancing. They scoffed at my ideas and I made a grave mistake I’ll never make again.

I believed them.

I believed that I’d never be able to do it. That I was stupid and ridiculous for even trying. I let the words they spoke, likely out of their own insecurities, dictate my actions. And I lost my focus. I strayed from my goals and ended up frustrated and stressed because I hadn’t made any money and I was proving the haters right.

Perspective Is Everything

Once I realized what I had let the negativity do to me, I was shocked. I had gone from being super productive to sleeping my days away and hardly getting anything done. My outlook had drastically changed the completion of my goals and ultimately the success of my business.

That’s why now, whenever I hear a naysayer, I stay away. I don’t need that in my life. That kind of negativity wreaks havoc on my work ethic and there’s plenty of positive people out there to fill the void left by leaving the hateful people behind.

Speaking of hateful people, I have a few words for you. I’m brave. I’m doing what I love. And I know the only limits are the ones I place on myself. I can and will accomplish what I was born to do.

My dream might be a tad unrealistic, but isn’t that how most dreams start out?

In Closing

For anyone who is worried about what other people are going to say for taking a non-traditional route after college, my advice is this: it’s your dream, not theirs. As long as you are willing to hustle and work hard, you’ll be fine.

Success takes courage and persistence. Be bold. Find your footing. Follow your dreams.

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Katelyn Marie Hamil  |  Contribution: 175