August 27, 2019

There’s no “Snap Back” after Pregnancy.


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This is kind of a brain dump of all my thoughts as of today…

I gained about 25-27 pounds during pregnancy. I’m not totally sure of the exact number because I never got a chance to weigh myself the day my water broke. I’ve lost most of that at three weeks postpartum, but my body composition is totally different—hips are wider, boobs are bigger (and lopsided?), belly is soft—but I’m not mad about it!

From the angel on one shoulder: Like I said at the beginning of my pregnancy, there is no “snap back,” just a snap forward. You can’t just undo nine-plus months of changes. There’s a new body to work with, and I promise you that’s not a scary thing. It’s actually super cool.

This is a new body, and I’m still in awe of everything it did to bring Theo into this world. I just started incorporating some walks outside and will keep sharing how I get back into things when I get cleared for exercise in a couple weeks (hopefully!).

From the devil on the other: Sure, be proud of your body, but don’t forget how much work you’ll have to do to regain strength and muscle. You may have lost the actual pounds from being pregnant, but you also lost all the progress you worked so hard to make over the last couple years.

I have both of these conversations rolling around in my head and neither is more true than the other.

You’re allowed to feel conflicted or unsure. You can be grateful and intimidated at the same time. Whether it’s because of pregnancy or something else, the relationship with our bodies is constantly evolving, and you don’t have to be a beacon of pure body positivity every freakin’ day.

Okay that is all.


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