The anxiety to be dealing with money issues can affect everything and everyone on our lives, from your performance at work to your relationship at home. When you are facing financial distress, every aspect will be affected, and it is important to acknowledge you have better ways to handle the situation.
Your home should be your secure place, a template where you find yourself in peace and amusement. So take advantage of that pure energy and decrease the level of anxiety at home by:
1.Being grateful for what you have.
Start your day by saying three things you are grateful for. You may find yourself without anything to be appreciative when facing challenges, but there will always be a reason to say thanks.
The more you practice, the easier will be to start acting from a gratitude place rather than a distress situation.
You’ll recognise the essential things you have once you do the mindset shift, and you’ll cut the power out of any issue you are facing.
You just gotta remember everything is temporal and this problematic times will be on the past one day.
2. Setting up boundaries to talk about the money issues
Make your home a safe place to live by setting up boundaries that will limit the times and places you will talk about money, especially if it is regarding money issues.
If you have kids, you may already have this precaution to avoid your child get involved in adults matters. But if you don’t, start doing it now.
Our home takes and save all the energies we transmit, either positives or negatives, and it is way more difficult to reduce your anxiety when feeling that heavy energy on you.
So, set up boundaries within your home to select places where you can completely relax and forget about any kind of money issue and spend time there.
3. Focus on transmitting your happy thoughts
We are what we talk. Somebody told me that phrase a few years ago, and ever since there, I realise that in fact, we are what we communicate.
Because by speaking, we can transmit what we think, and what we believe is what define us.
Focus on transmitting happy thoughts instead of going on circles over the problem. Start thinking positive things to encourage yourself to shift your mind.
There always be another perspective of an issue; you just need to push your brain to get over a fact and start looking for different angles.
4. Educate yourself financially
“Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry or fear” according to the NHS UK health website and often such worry or fear is derived by the fact we don’t know how to deal with a problem.
By start educating ourselves financially, we not only will be taking the anxiety levels down but teaching ourselves what to do better next time.
When I talk about educating ourselves financially I just don’t mean going and reading thousand books of how to be rich or pay the debt.
What I mean is that we need to get a real understanding of how money works and how it can work for your dreams and goals.
The financial situation you are facing right now will be the best example to solve and learn. While you have the opportunity to be anxious about your situation, you also have the chance to look at it as the study case you need to learn better.
Because as Oprah have mentioned, when you know better, you do better.
5.Talk about it.
Talk about your situation with somebody; you are not the only one going through difficult times. Whether they can directly help you or not, its necessary you get that feeling out of your system.
You can talk to a close friend, your partner, with a professional or even join Facebook groups. Nowadays, people feel more comfortable sharing their experiences openly through a computer to find support.
If you do decide to go for professional help, don’t hold to anything. Every piece of feeling or thought is going through your mind is necessary to find the best solution, so don’t be ashamed or afraid.
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