September 20, 2019

What to do if you’re attacked by Drama.


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“In Buddhism they say, ‘Our enemies are our greatest teachers.’ That’s real pain-in the-butt-advice, right?

If our enemies are our greatest teachers, then we don’t get to do what mankind, womankind, humankind, has traditionally done with enemies—which is attack and create warfare and feuds that go on for centuries.

Instead of attacking, Buddhism advises: ‘be wood.’ Like driftwood. Do nothing. Examine your own experience, look at truth, breathe, take care of yourself…then you can respond out of sanity.

Our reaction to drama can include a non-reaction. We have to remember to take things lightly—take the drama lightly.

We can all afford to have a sense of humor about our silly, dramatic selves. What we don’t take lightly is truth.

We examine ourselves. We allow ourselves to feel the drama fully, and breathe. We don’t need the fireworks of drama all the time to get a lot out of life. All we have to do is be present so that we can enjoy the simple moments of life.” ~ Waylon Lewis



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