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October 18, 2019

Dear Alienated Parent,

Dear alienated parent,

Instead of counting the days you have been apart from your children why don’t you say in addition to that number “I am one day closer”.

It was 339 days the first time I had to wait.
When I saw all of them together (I have four) I cannot express to you the gratitude I felt in that moment. The 339 days I was apart from them prepared me for that moment.

During the time apart I believe I became a better human, a better woman and my most important title a better mother. I like you, was unable to parent them so I decided to take care of myself.

Patience? In the past wasn’t my best quality. However, once I started to tell myself for example “Today is 333 days, but more importantly one day closer” it gave me a different perspective. It gave me hope. I’d repeat it over and over and over that day and again the next. And on the 339th day it became possible.

If you are on the alienated parent journey make it the best journey you can. I truly believe this path was all a part of His plan. To fight evil with love.

The important thing is we must not give up.

We must never stop fighting for what we believe is right. Our children do not learn by what we tell them to do, they learn by doing what we do. And in some cases have to unlearn what they have been taught.

Make today great and remember to #PauseReflectMoveForward

In gratitude,

Holly DressON NOT Holly DressOFF

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