October 8, 2019

Waylon talks with Samantha Power: Education of an Idealist.

Wherein I ask questions of a powerful, peace-fostering Samantha Power.

This morning was rough. I woke feeling troubled. I woke feeling sad, defeated, wondering if there’s any way to be of real benefit to this crazy, aggressive, partisan, yet wondrous and fragile world of ours.⁠

And then I read an interview with Jane Goodall, who was once a shy young girl in England with dreams of Africa, and told “you can’t.” Yet nevertheless, she persisted. And the change she’s wrought, and the inspiration she’s offering so many of us other discouraged would-be do-gooders…whelp, she’s my idol. ⁠⁠

An hour later I was commiserating with Vanessa, my bestie and Walk the Talk Show producer at the Trident cafe in downtown Boulder, Colorado, when a red-headed lady walked in.

I knew (of) her: Samantha Power.

An hour later, I was interviewing her for Elephant Journal, and getting to ask her that question I woke up feeling defeated by: ⁠

If we care, is there any point? If we’re defeated, can we win? If we’re empathetic, is there any way to effect peace? If we’re idealistic, is there any way to get involved and retain our ethics? If we don’t get involved, does our idealism matter? If good is better than perfect, is barely-okay better than awful? ⁠


And Vanessa and Michelle watched it and something about her moved them to something like tears:

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 1,634,850