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November 1, 2019

The Truth about Belief

It is widely known that everyone has a belief system.

But the question I pose to myself is why is it questioned?

Let’s take a popular belief that is shared my many Christianity
Now personally to me the testaments in the bible mainly the old testament somewhat baffles me as an individual and that is due to some of the stories related to the bible, Adam and Eve could have been potentially the first humans with names spoken that much I do agree, however I do not belief that Adam and Eve were the first people nor had the first children being two sons Kane and Able, if this were true that means according to the bible incest adultery would have been practiced at the start of mankind which I am betting God Would greatly disprove of. However that is my personal belief there are parts of the bible I belief in such as the concept of demons, possessions and many more. I believe that a man called Jesus did exist in history although i do not believe in him rising from the dead after three days. I have a belief in a lot of the work that doesn’t get mentioned that the church does and a lot that is known to be forbidden practice such as that of an exorcism.

Now I know some people will see this as me just slandering religious believe but that is not true, in a strange way I believe in all concept of religions: Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism , Buddism, Judaism, Muslim, Sikh, Nordic, Greek, Egyptian, spiritualism and many more. I believe that all these religions are based on true stories and events of times before Mankind. I believe in a concept of a first civilization on this planet as the earth has been around for over a billion years.

Belief is powerful and can give rise to many positive and negative occasions.
Look at the world at this point in time, wars, racism and many more and a lot of it is based around religious belief, on the flip side these religions have hidden practices that to me keep the world safe from forces that are unknown to us.

I belief in the supernatural and paranormal to a high extent that every inch of land on the earth is haunted because well it be illogical for it not to be with more dead over thousands of years than there are alive now in the world.
I believe in a spiritual connection to the supernatural and believe it can both cause aid and cause harm Tarot readings cause a lot of people spiritual aid and gives them some form off guidance on where they are going in life or a new approach that needs to be taken, however an ouija board can cause a lot of harm whether physical harm or mental harm, after all they are a doorway into the unknown.

Back to the original question of why beliefs are questioned well that is a mix of spiritual jealousy (it is possible to be jealous of someone else’s belief system if you do not have one) and a serious lack of understanding, although a lot of people in the world have a religious belief it does not mean the have an open mind to understand others.

In other words Belief inspires both Hope and Fear.
The main belief a person should have is the belief of self and what you can accomplish.

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