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December 17, 2019

They Snore, Burp, and Fart the same as Everyone Else

We may think that special someone who we’ve put on a pedestal is God’s gift to earth, and that they embody everything that you’ve been looking for.

We think they are so perfect that we have forgotten how beautiful, amazing, funny and ‘any person would be lucky to have me’ perfect we are. They are no more special than you and I.

We make ourselves so available to the point where we completely abandon ourselves. We make ourselves vulnerable; we give them permission to phone us in the middle of the night, being deprived of sleep as we wait for them to call. We stop making plans to see our friends because we’re waiting for them to invite us over which leads us to completely lose sight of our own needs and wants. We end up feeling disappointed, lonely and completely isolated.

We’ve completely given our power away and we need to stop punishing ourselves as if we are not worthy of being treated like the Royalty Rock Star that we are.

We’re all God’s gift to earth and we need to be our first priority. We need our beauty sleep and if they want to phone, they need to make time to do so in reasonable hours. If they want to ask us out, they need to be damn sure to give us enough notice as we have things to do and friends to see. There should be a healthy balance where both individuals meet in the middle.

They are no different to you and I, and we all snore, burp and fart.

Walk the talk, and let’s claim back our sovereignty. Let’s embrace all our flaws, and step into the shoes of ‘we are everything that they have been looking for,’ and the most rewarding way to prove that to ourselves is through making a list, and the longer the list the better.

For example:

  • I am my first priority
  • I am thoughtful
  • I am unique
  • I am funny
  • I am generous
  • I am beautiful (go deeper, what does beautiful mean to you.)

Embrace all of You

  • I love my eyes
  • I have a cheeky smile
  • I love and embrace my curvy body

We don’t know this about ourselves, but we do like compliments, so why don’t we accept them. Accept that compliment today, and don’t be afraid to ask friends and family what they think our best qualities are. Write down why we are what they’ve been looking for while standing in our power to be claimed as equals.

Yes, I am unique, and beautiful, and worthy of being loved the way I should be loved without changing anything about myself. Love is about giving and receiving equally, and not changing anything to fit in with someone else.

Thinking about this individual, which attributes did we fall in love with? Their smile, the way they made us laugh, and the way we could speak for hours as if we were long lost friends, as well as the feeling of coming home when we are with them. Now, reverse that and let’s write down the attributes we embody which they fell in love with on the day they were lucky enough to make our acquaintance where the universe thought it appropriate we meet.

This is our opportunity to blow our own trumpet, and we should never be ashamed of who we are. Why would you be?

Look at it this way; we will attract the people in our life that reflects our vibrational state of mind. What will we be attracting if we have no self-worth or confidence within our ability to see ourselves as being a success, or having self worth? Everyone will be running the other way as they will see no benefit of being in our presence. Who wants to be friends with Billy no mates who always feel sorry for themselves?

We are taught that it will be egotistic to hold ourselves in high regard, which often means we punish ourselves before we think we are worthy of reaping the rewards.

Through recognizing all the amazing traits we have, as per our outlined list, we will portray confidence and the attitude of ‘we know what we want and I am worthy of having it.’ There’s nothing sexier than an individual that stand in their own truth, power and potential.

Liken to a mirror: smile and the mirror will smile back at you. We want to feel good and that’s why the aim is to always surround ourselves with positivity. Be that positive person that people want to be around with.

You are worth it. Believe it. Embody it.

Balance is in the middle of an ever moving pendulum, and the whole swing has value – Diana Adair

Article by Chrysilla Lewies

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