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December 18, 2019

What if we stopped trying to control…and just let it happen?

Let it happen.

We try so hard to squeeze our children into someone else’s mold. We attempt to control their behavior, their feelings, even their interpretation of their experiences. Fear, and a lifetime of our own experience, tells us that we will be judged because they are different – because we are different.

We judge ourselves.
For what we are.
For what we are not.
For what we think someone else believes we ought to be.
We think too much!
It’s exhausting. We become angry, discontent, perpetually unstatisfied.

Then we yell at our children, consequence behavior that makes us doubt ourselves, and squeeze them evermore forcefully into a mold they were never meant to fit.

What if we stopped?

What if we stopped fighting? Against our children and ourselves? What if we stopped listening to the tired cultural narrative and to the harshness of the insatiate critic inside?

What if we stopped trying so hard to control…and just let it happen?

Let it happen. Know acceptance. Experience ease. Embrace the beautiful unfolding.

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Carol Monaco  |  Contribution: 675