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January 5, 2020

Medicines:Blessed or Messed???????

*Editor’s Note: Elephant is not your doctor or hospital. Our lawyers would say “this web site is not designed to, and should not be construed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional before trying out new home therapies or changing your diet.” But we can’t afford lawyers, and you knew all that. ~ Ed.

Adding medicines to my routine had never been an agenda for me and doing this was not a pleasant experience of course.My followers know so far how my life was directed towards lifetime medication from a complete medicine free life and for the new followers following is the link where you can find my health parabola.

Anyways I was put on medication for sugar cholesterol and hypertension.

I was initially asked to come for a review after a month.Surpisingly doctor did not give any instructions regarding my meals ,lifestyle and other related things.Upon asking he said you are on borderline so with these medicines you can continue with your normal routine things and eat whatever you are eating.It sounded a little strange to me however I trusted his experience,knowledge and research.

I started popping those pills twice a day however the fighter in me never took rest so one fine day I thought I can’t give up like this and should give it a last try.I joined my gym back and discussed my case with my trainer who was a friend too.Of course he empathized and encouraged me for my another step towards healthy life.

The mission was on!!I had to force  those values within the range.




  • Regular exercising.
  • No sugar
  • Low on salt
  • No eating out
  • As much physical activity as possible.

I did above for a month and the reports were pretty positive as all numbers were flattering.

I remember I flew to him and all I wanted to hear was well done and as the report suggests you don’t need any medication no more Also I expected him to say


I was waiting in the hospital with a grin ear to ear as all my hard work was about to pay off in the form of a good news.

He was looking at the reports and I just couldn’t hide my excitement so before he could view the complete reports I threw the most intelligent querry towards him :

No medicine anymore Doc????

He saw directly into my eyes and I could feel the ‘who is the doctor??’look in his eyes playing with the ‘twinkle’ in my eyes.

He took a moment to say “You think I have given you medicines for diabetes and blood pressure?”he continued”The medicines you are on are not to cure diabetes and blood pressure but to prevent you from any threat to your vital organs like kidney, liver, pancreas at  later stage of your life.currently you are young and won’t feel it but later in life if you don’t take these medicines your organs will get affected.Although your reports suggests that your values are absolutely within the range however I am sorry young friend.


While coming back from the doctor I was thinking how these heart breaking lines are becoming a part of life.No matter how much hard work I do nothing is working for me .Seems I have completely lost the charge of my life.I wasn’t even crying now.My last hope/Attempt went waste.

Dependency on medicine became a routine and apparantly I had no choice.I say dependency on medicines as initially I dint feel the dependency however after few months of regular intake I noticed the after effects of skipping them.few of the symptoms were blackouts,severe hunger attacks,a spinning head,fatigue,feeling low,acidity.

Actually few of the above syptoms remained constant in both the cases if I take medicines or I don’t.They became a part of my life and I stopped feeling healthy anymore.At times I used to wonder if these pills are saving me or making my life worse.But whenever I thought of quitting them the threat of damaging my vital organs as told by the doctor would haunt me.I felt like an addict who needed a rehab.




An idea can change your life.


God send them to you.The only requirement is that your network should be clear and connection should be strong.and it happens only when your thoughts are clear and intentions are good.

I probably fulfilled both the requirements and I got the angel of my life.God is great and we are blessed to be living a life protected by almighty.we all should value it.

My case was finally taken and lovely friends you have to wait for my next write up to know about the angels who helped me enjoy this beautiful and blessed life.

The conclusion would be worth waiting for and trust me if you have a story like I have..wait for the next!!

Till the time

Keep the faith!!

There is a time for everything and everything on its time.

Lots of love



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