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March 30, 2020

Diluting Fear With Hope

As I sit, confined to my home and thoughts, I wonder what if I consider these new blocks of free times as a gift, and rebuild my ‘new’ life. I’m not worried thinking about my tomorrows’; I just want to seize this present moment, and prepare myself to look at my life from a different perspective, when it appears before me, tomorrow!

I don’t want to talk or hear anything about the looming fear anymore but, hope! Hope is all I see and feel right now!

I want to spend the time learning how to enjoy life every possible moment. I want to lift myself up and stand up again;  and act now to prepare myself for the after-coronavirus-life.

We have to!

So how do we prepare for what’s coming next in our life? “By Being Brave. By Being A ‘Positive’ Warrior!” Let your light shine bright within you and around you. Let the world know that we can join hands and stand together in the spirit of humanity to build our lives again, even if it means starting all over again in a different new way! Whatever little or more we have, we can share with each other. We can share the tears and laughters too!
“Don’t try to calm the storm. Calm yourself.  The storm will pass.” ~Buddha

While I was ruminating about our life being disrupted by so many different kinds of threats; one-after-another; this beautiful, strong quote by Buddha reminded me to stay calm amidst chaos and fear.

Life will not go as you planned. And life’s richness often comes from it’s unpredictability. As we string together different moments to make a life, we must not forget that we get these myriads of beginnings and endings in each moment! We must remember to be thankful for those moments as we breathe in and out, and must do what we can right now! Tomorrow is never promised, and we cannot change the past. So whatever we have is right here, in the moment. Focus on that!

This present situation has put me into some deep thinking, where I’m supposed to rethink my life, refocus on what’s not- working, to create space for more possibilities that will make me a better human being, than I was yesterday!

By eliminating what’s not-working in our life, we can create more space for what is working,  and must exploit it to the best of our ability.

The best way to manage through change or any kind of chaos is to reflect on yourself, and to live in the moment, to walk in through the doors that’s opening for you, to know that there’s always going to be light at the end of the tunnel.

Come on, everyone! Let’s build our “world” together, once again- in the spirit of “We.” Let’s heal each other’s heart with hope and encouragement; and let’s wish for a better tomorrow for everyone all across the globe❤❤

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