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March 23, 2020

Operation COVID-19: Planetary Activation & Kundalini Awakening

The basis of everything I’m about to say is entirely on Unity Consciousness. There is nothing “else” or “other” out there, and even darkness is contained within a play only the Light is having. Here, you will be asked to lay down many ideas of what’s been, including the consensus narrative about the coronavirus.

The coronavirus is a major crown chakra activation, and channeled to me were the words, “It is time for humanity to wear its crown, and to do so the root chakra must be cleared.” The crown chakra activation is clearing (like a hurdle) the root chakra of the next octave. This is major collective ascension in progress, and this is the root chakra of the next octave that we are entering. Lines of people getting ready to buy guns, empty grocery shelves, blatant racism, etc. these are all signs and symptoms of root chakra healing. They represent the shifts that must occur to anchor and embody, collectively, the new grounded reality we will experience in the aftermath — which is extraordinary abundance, which is why it feels like extraordinary lack and scarcity. This is what’s being cleared — like a hurdle.

The fear, panic, and general malaise are not “incoming” experiences, but outgoing emotional debris being healed as it is felt. So while on one front it appears everything is falling apart, its actually being reoriented into a higher functioning order. Individually, we are going through different activations of the chakras through this, but on a planetary level the root chakra is the focus. This is an exciting time, because humanity as a collective is now rising through the chakras. Planetary kundalini awakening has officially commenced. It is going to be an incredible next few years as we streamline collective consciousness through a process of planetary activations.

COVID-19 is that first operation. On behalf of our greater and collective consciousness, an aspect of our own Light has manifested itself as a virus to ignite extraordinary changes and propel us into the Golden Age. A virus is a packet of information that interacts with organic matter, and therefore our consciousness. While many see viruses and “illness” as a negative expression of life, these are actually mathematical functions that plug into our human biocomputer and upgrade them. The upgrade begins through a process we call the immune system. The information enters our system, and its codes are designed to bring about the collapse of now irrelevant information, to the ego-mind this is interpreted as the inconvenience of illness, but to the body-soul this signifies a tonification of harmony. Viral information allows the body to achieve a higher harmony and balance through a biological response that tones and strengthens the body’s defenses. Homeostasis is not a return to the same zero, but a new zero-point, each and every time the body comes in contact with new biological/light information.

We’ve been trained to see disease as an incoming experience, but disease is actually the sensation of what is leaving you — therefore an upgrade. Since not all biological systems will be able to handle these new codes, they will give way to the natural forces of life. While this can bring up sadness and despair, it’s a natural response to the forms in view responding with completion upon receiving these codes of consciousness. Sadness and despair are also what’s leaving and making room for greater already on its way.

The souls destined to complete their journeys at this time are not succumbing to an evil plot, a conspiracy of dark proportions, or any other superstitious belief about Life, but to the natural rhythms and cycles and are in contractual agreement to this turning of events. As a collective psychic grid, the elderly generation holds within their forms the codes of information, experiences, and memory from a paradigm and chapter in human history that is coming to a crescendo of a close. On the soul level they are joyously participating in this transition of the ages and have chosen to offer their breath in this way to our ascending collective. Up the stairway of expanding consciousness, in collaboration with a multi-trillion dollar transfer of wealth in the coming year in the form of inheritance, those younger generations, and those born in and around this time represent a new planetary grid of consciousness coming online.

In the coming weeks, months, and years, humanity will be tested beyond anything we could imagine previously, yet we have the opportunity to cut short the suffering by skipping the need for all of us to go through the events of COVID-19 to their full extent in order to activate, access, and explore the level of consciousness being birthed at this time.

COVID-19 is on a mission of Global immUNITY. As a faceless common enemy, it will unite the world together as one of the most immense and intense challenges it will ever faced, and with the Internet comes an unprecedented level of attention and focus on it from every corner of the planet — this is for good reason. The greater the focus, the greater the chance this moment has of being an accelerator switch on this planet’s ascension process. This has already been achieved, and here I will offer you an invocation to receive the potency of this planetary awakening so as to mitigate the necessity for excess bloodshed in order to cultivate the consciousness that will be cultivated one way or another.

Rather than moving linearly from point A to point B, we will simply bend the future into the present and expose the Divinity this has come to show us, collapsing the necessity for us to experience density as a slingshot into greater consciousness and instead consciously choose to participate in the evolution of the planet and reside as vortexes of Light that anchor the future vibration of the New Earth, right here, right now.

“Akashic Angels of Ascension, please open our Unified Akashic Record for the COVID-19 planetary activation and kundalini awakening. With the full power, expression, abundance, and pleasure of my being, may I be an anchor point on New Earth’s grid of Light for the New Human template of consciousness that I accept has already been fully activated and expressed throughout all layers and levels of my being with nothing for me to do to maintain it.

Bring this into my reality now as I activate a chamber of exponential Light which surrounds me, always upgrading my Light Field Radiance beyond anything I could dream of asking to receive for myself or our planet, and may it be received, integrated, and embodied upon contact with equal portions of grace, ease, and mercy to the physical and all things affecting the physical. I call upon our Unified Light Field to equally receive and express these frequencies with myself as its first emanation point where I receive it, magnify it, and radiate it to all. I accept that Love is that which always offers more of itself no matter how little or much it receives, in this, I accept that only the Light has power, and only the Light is made manifest in any and all personal or planetary phenomenon that has or will ever occur. In recognizing all as the Light I Am, I allow all the gifts the Light has ever given me to be fully received, revealed, and expressed in my emotional body now. In full knowing, I step up to the plate of Global immUNITY as one more fully activated aspect of our Unified Field that projects into it the finality of the need or subconscious desire for experiences of drama, darkness, or disease in order to activate Unity Consciousness, now that it is already done and I fully accept all that I Am, and that all I see is the Light That I Am. And So It Is, And So It Always Was, And So It Always Will Be.

I accept All is Well and only has ever and could ever move into Greater Wellness, of which I Am Intrinsically and Causelessly So, Now. Thank you Akashic Angels of Ascension for reminding me through all that I Am what is already so and for confirming in my own unique way that this is true and irreversibly done, marking the timeline collapse into only the Divinity I Am erasing any idea, belief, or conclusion that says anything opposite of the Victory of the Light That I Am and We Are, including all ideas, beliefs, and conclusions that any idea, belief, or conclusion could alter the perfection that I now know is only here. And so it is finished, activated, cleared, embodied, and radiated throughout, now that all that remains is the I AM, That which Prevails without Opposite.”

You now exist as the consciousness that was already the result of all the events destined to still play out and occur. In your presence, all will be nourished by the wholeness, finality, and Love that you represent more completely than ever before — let your Light shine and watch as it remembers within others without your need to do anything all that we already are and have always been.

The completion of COVID-19 is the shift from one zero-point Universe to another zero-point, and you’ve now completed this journey and anchor and express the benefits of it. All you see in front of you is now resolution in replay progress as you watch a world around you discover what you now radiate.

COVID-19 stands for the “Conversion Of Vital Inner Dimensions 1-Alpha 9-Omega,” this is the beginning and the end of the Universe you are, as now you see only the Youniverse remains — the I AM, That which Prevails without Opposite. Now that conversion has been complete, you may anchor stillness for others as they go through their own conversion into this next expression of our Unified Light Field.

The effects on the lungs release humanity’s grief, while the aches and pains to the bone release lifetimes of density that cannot move forward into your new zero-point, throat chakra activations are prevalent through this, and finally the nausea that is felt is the result of humanity moving through a wormhole where the throughput/bandwidth of information creates a sense and feeling of motion sickness. I received this information by empathing all of the symptoms, even feeling the fear of thinking I had the virus, and then being intuitively guided through their purpose, benefit, and final resolution. I was guided to work in session with a lady whom had also empathed all of the symptoms and our intuitive process together led to the finishing, recognition, and expressed benefit of all that is currently occurring in our planetary kundalini activation and awakening beginning in the root chakra. At the finish of this session today, all of our symptoms completely vanished as I finished channeling the activations and integrations for this particular set of shifts in consciousness.

This is no joke folks. Our world will go through the ringer, and this is needed for our collective journey — stay present and hold space by staying in the heart, which is simply done by allowing for the smallest amount of okayness you’re capable of in any moment. If you don’t feel okay, can you be okay with that, and if not that, what about okay about that, etc. find the smallest amount of okay, and you find your open heart and all you’ll require will be found here, and let it guide you perfectly as you already are… I love you so much.

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