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April 25, 2020

10 Morsels of Buddhist Wisdom to Evoke the Divine Feminine

Here is some wisdom from the Buddha to help strengthen your inner and outer relationships. In 2017 Astrologers dubbed the year as the rise of the Divine Feminine. It was a year of the goddess awakening, and since then, the divine feminine is a spiritual concept various sources have different meanings. When it comes to energy, we honor the principle of duality, therefore, the divine feminine represents the part of our consciousness responsible for nurture, intuition, healing, emotions, and empathy. Whereas the divine masculine represents logic, reason, action, rational, and strength.

When we discuss masculine and feminine energies in spiritual circles we are not talking about gender. In respect to gender, each creature in nature has both masculine and feminine energies that should be balanced. The divine feminine is the aspect of consciousness that helps us with creativity, intuition, community, sensuality, connects us to our feelings, and aids collaborative efforts in the community.

A person who embraces and balances both aspects, divine feminine, and masculine, can be seen to be logical yet intuitive, firm and yet gentle, rational but also emotive, etc.

Evoking the divine feminine into your life is beneficial for all genders. Having too much of one energy is an imbalance. The divine feminine helps us to open our minds to the creative life force, enables us to have strong discernment, allows us to be nurturing, loving, express empathy, and raise our emotional intelligence quota.

Buddhism is a spiritual philosophy that can help you evoke and awaken your divine feminine. Are you ready for a spiritual listicle? The quotes are inspired by the sacred texts of the ‘Prajnaparamita Sutras’ known as the Perfection of Wisdom. These sacred texts represent the divine feminine consciousness in Buddhism and are used to transcend mental obstacles by opening up your heart deeply so that divine guidance is possible. Invite the Wisdom from the powerful heart of Kwan Yin to guide you on the path of the Perfection of Wisdom. – Buddha Wisdom Cards: Divine Feminine: The Heart of Kwan Yin (Inspiration Cards) by Sofan Chan

  1. Self-love begets new love.

“Fall in love with yourself again to bring in the love of your life.”

If we want pure love to come into our life, we must first embody love. That means loving the self regardless of our shortcomings, inadequacies, and insecurities. Self-love doesn’t necessarily mean expensive spa treatments. It means being responsible for your actions, knowing how to set boundaries and enforce them, working to heal your inner child, and accepting who you are while still working on being a better person. Once you love yourself without condition, you will attract that which you are, pure love.

  1. Love does not follow the pattern of logic.

“In love, there is only love itself; no room for the logic of the mind.”

Love is an aspect of the divine feminine. There is no rational or logical path to love. Love is emotive. When expressive love you do from a place of emotion. Do not try to apply thinking to your emotions. You are invited to feel the breadth of your emotions, sit with them, and feel them. Your love should also be given without conditions.

  1. Maintain your autonomy while feeding and nurturing Self.

“Let go of clinging. View Your situation as a witness. Your inner strength grows.”

In everything, you do view things as a spectator even when following an action or reacting. When life throws you a curveball to not try to catch it. Do not attach yourself anxiously to anything even love. Instead, remain detached, observe, and release. This will make you stronger.

  1. Embody the characteristics you want to be returned to you by expressing them to others.

“The loving-kindness you show to others returns to you as grace.”

Most world religions still in practice today, teaches that we should treat others as we wish to be treated. It’s called the golden rules. Spirituality says the same. We attract that which we are, sometimes, we attract people who need what we are. Always move in love, kindness, and empathy, and you will receive them in return from others.

  1. Free yourself of all the baggage that holds you back.

“Free yourself from hesitations, perplexity, and consternation. Only intent on what is beneficial.”

The ink of the past is dry, so only exist in the present where you are writing your story. Living in the past leads to depression, thinking too far ahead in the future brings anxiety. It is best to only dwell on what you can change now and that is the present. Release the burdens you’ve carried with you and only reflect on that which serves your greater good.

  1. Always move and act in truth.

“Act according to the true nature of the circumstances. Remove any self-importance agenda.”

I cannot stress enough how important honesty is. Being honest with yourself first in the first step in walking in virtue, living an authentic life, and not letting your ego drive you. When we open ourselves to the truth of our situation, we eliminate the need to exaggerate our value.

  1. Be Mindful. Be Present. It’s the best gift you can give.

“There is nothing better you can give to a person than to be present with them.”

When spending time with loved ones remember to always remain in the present. The present moment is your life. The past no longer exists and the future hasn’t yet come to fruition. Be mindful, breathe into the moment, and enjoy the time you have with the people you love. Put down your cell phone and stay present.


  1. Always move with compassion.

“Compassion does not see the faults of others. It does not see the weakness of people. It has no ego.”

We’re all trying to figure out how to navigate this life. None of us have the correct formula so we should not meet each other with judgment. Instead, we should have compassion, because we all have shortcomings, and no one has their shit together. Move-in love, understanding, and compassion—it will be returned to you in kind.

  1. Release the past and that which no longer serves you.

“When you try to hold onto things after their time, you suffer and make others suffer.

The National Institute of Mental Health reports, “an estimated 17.3 million adults in the United States had at least one major depressive episode. This number represented 7.1% of all U.S. adults.” Ruminating on the past, fuels depression with feelings of guilt, shame, and other symptoms that leads to mental anguish. We cannot change what has already happened. Instead, learn from your mistakes, acknowledges the emotions you have about the past then release them. Use the lessons gleaned to help you in your present and plan loosely for the future. This is the way to a happier existence.

  1. Know when things have run their course. Understand when it’s time to let go.

“Everything has a beginning, has an ending. Knowing that truth, you find peace.”

Do not try to hold on to relationships, situations, and circumstances once their shelf life has expired. Release them so you can move on to what’s next. When we try to hold things to tight without the strength to let go when necessary causes unnecessary stress. Everything in life has an ebb and flow of beginning and ending, and an acceptance of this reality is the best way to live a happy and peaceful life.



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