April 14, 2020

Chaos doesn’t Negate Beauty: a Poem on Surrender during the Pandemic.

Check out Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon

I’m tired
Of reading all
The opinions,

Even my own changing

What is real?
What is truth?

I say,
Truth is family,
Truth is love shared now,
Truth is presence,
Truth is slowing down,
Truth is deeper medicine
In the moments
We find ourselves in.

I’m tired of trying
To “figure it out.”

Tired of trying
To know the answer.
Maybe there isn’t one.

We are just
Being with the questions,
Being with the unknown,
Making beauty in the messes,
Seeing beauty in the mess.

Seeing our beauty
In the mess.
Chaos doesn’t
Negate beauty.
Doesn’t negate moments
Of joy unencumbered.

I am tired,
Of finding
Answers that maybe
Don’t exist.

Tired of believing
That I have to be busy
In order to feel okay.

Tired of feeling
Like busy makes me worthy,
Like those checked boxes
Make my existence worthwhile.

When we can rest,
We may need to recalibrate
Back to our inner compass,
Our inner listening,
For maybe the first time.

It feels counter
To what we have been

That in our presence
We need more.

But, perhaps
In the not knowing,
Is the answer.

Is the unanswerable feeling
To life’s greatest mystery.

Where we have been,
And where we are going.

We only know
Where we are,
But maybe now we don’t
Even know that.

I’m tired of waiting
For new information,
Ready to just drop
Into this great surrender.

Surrender the
Need to know.

Surrender the need
To do.

Surrender any
Outside force.

Let it all go,
And return if it shall.

Or find ourselves
Untethered to these
Once more.


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Anna Palmer  |  Contribution: 34,420

author: Anna Palmer

Image: Author's own

Editor: Nicole Cameron