April 16, 2020

A Raw & Honest Note from your Virtual Yoga Teacher.


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A post shared by Pedro Luna (@yogawithpedro) on

Read: Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon


A quick note from your virtual yoga teacher:

We started teaching online because we know that the world needs yoga and healing.

Many of us teachers had never set up a Zoom meeting, let alone thought someone would want to practice yoga in a “meeting” room online. Many of us never went live on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch. We are flying by the seat of our f*cking pants—but damn, do we feel good about showing up for you.

Many of us teachers have been “Zoom bombed,” taught with our classes on mute, had the WiFi cut out in the middle without even knowing we were frozen like Elsa, but you know what? We got back up and tried it again because we have you on our mind. We want to continue doing the thing that we know how to do best, which is hold the space, teach a class, and allow you the opportunity to breathe and connect. We are here for you.

Teaching yoga in today’s climate comes with so many unknowns. Is the music too loud? Am I breathing too loud? Can you hear me clearly? How’s the lighting? I hope they can’t hear my kids and pets hooting and hollering in the other room. Do I look too grainy on their screen? Are they even looking at the screen? Is this thing even on?

There are so many things we don’t even have a clue about. But there’s one thing we are all quite certain of: at the end of the day, as long as you make it into savasana and feel good, all that other sh*t doesn’t really matter.

This is all a test and we are in it together. We are learning together, teacher and student, on the fly. Know that we are doing our best, and we know you are doing yours.

Thanks for being patient. Thanks for going through the growing pains with us. Thanks for being open to new experiences in new ways. Thanks for your support.


Your Virtual Yoga Teacher




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Pedro Luna  |  Contribution: 965

author: Pedro Luna

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari