April 17, 2020

I’m a Survivor of “Mommy Wine Culture.”

The hardest thing about sobriety is that I will choose it every day.

I will choose it on the really hard days. I will choose it on the really awesome days. I will choose it on the days in between, when I am bored with the repetition of my life.

I will choose sobriety every day. I will remind myself why I stopped drinking alcohol in the first place. I will remind myself that yes, it was that bad. I will remind myself that for me, one drink is never enough. I will remind myself that it’s okay that I have to remind myself.

I will choose sobriety every day. My drinking brain (My Wine Whisp) and I will chat daily.

The Whisp is very, very small now, and I speak to her like I do a persistent child. I will explain to her firmly that I appreciate what she is trying to do, but that she is not in control anymore. I will remind her that her services are no longer needed. Most of the time, she will get bored and float away; sometimes, she will need more direction.

I will choose sobriety every day, because it is that worth it to me. I will put the work in and keep my body and mind healthy.

I quit drinking because I wanted a better life. I will choose to stay sober because I got one. Every. Single. Day.

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Megan Camille  |  Contribution: 10,085

author: Megan Camille

Image: Author's own

Editor: Kelsey Michal