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May 5, 2020

How To Make The Most Out Of Quarantine During Coronavirus

We all are facing a common threat, Coronavirus (Covid-19) at the moment. The whole world is locked down. Therefore, the regular lives have been changed and most of you spend the whole day at home.

So, what can you do in self-isolation during coronavirus? Today I share my tips on how to make the most out of quarantine during the Covid-19 pandemic and be a winner at the end of it.

Clean Your Environment

You might have been busy before the lockdown because of the neverending list of things to do and places to go to. But at the moment, most of us have some free time. So why not clean the house first? Once you declutter your house or apartment, a lot of negative energy will be removed from it and you will start “breathing easier”.

I find that cleaning always helps to have a pleasant environment. Probably, start with your bedroom. Arrange the wardrobe items according to your preferences such as colours, clothes type, put everything on hangers, and neatly place the rest of the items in the drawers. Afterward, move to your living room and kitchen as well. Get rid of everything that is not in use, spoilt, or broken.

When you throw away things, think about throwing away the distractive thoughts, grudges, negative scenarios, etc.

Apart from that, if you have children, make sure you help them to clean their bedrooms and toys collection. Most of the kids have broken toys which they are never going to use again. So tell them that it’s best to fix broken things or recycle them where possible. This will not only help them to have more free space for the rest of the toys but also teach them the basics of mindfulness.

Take Care of Your Health

Self-quarantine during coronavirus is supposed to prevent us from socialising with each other. But it doesn’t mean that you have to neglect your beauty. You can take care of your nails, hair and scalp, skin, etc.

Isn’t it a perfect time to give your skin rest from the makeup, do the sheet masks more often, and take a warm bath with an Epsom salt at the end of the day? Moreover, you can schedule a perfect exercise plan for the entire week or the month. Just think about it, you are saving so much time at the moment because you do not have to commute to work. Why not use it for your own good?

Moreover, quarantine during coronavirus is the perfect time to focus on a healthy diet plan. You may have limited access to fast foods and other unhealthy foods. So why don’t you research about healthy foods and adopt a healthy menu?

You can learn new recipes on YoutTube and try them out. There are many varieties of meals that you can prepare with the ingredients you have at home. This is actually something that I do at the moment, and I have already lost some weight. Yay!

Entertain Yourself

Quarantine during coronavirus does not have to be boring and tiring. You can enjoy it by doing some exciting activities such as watching your favourite TV shows that you are yet to finish, setting up your goals for the next year, signing up for the online course, learning something new, and many more.

Quarantine during Coronavirus forces us to maintain social distancing. But there are many ways to interact with other like-minded people through the self-development online communities and make yourself happy, fight depression, and boost your confidence.

You can try the aforementioned activities and enjoy your self during this Coronavirus Pandemic. Stop worrying too much about going out and stay home for your betterment.

Written by Yuliya Oleynykova, London-based life coach, writer, and an online course creator.

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