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May 18, 2020

What Advice Would A Modern Buddha-like Person Give

I was asked in a Buddhist discussion group to come up with a paragraph that a wise person might say. I am not a Buddhist but I do admire the historical Buddha as being like a great 1970s psychologist of 500 BC.

It is key to get people to transform themselves and not to relax into complacency by following a guru. That’s a lazy approach and potentially a dangerous one as shown by many guru followers. Personal growth takes personal work!

You explore but beware of professional gurus. Only work with them for one or two months …

So here is my hybrid paragraph made up of the supposed dying words of the Buddha combined with the advice of an old friend which has guided my life.

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“Everything that comes into existence passes way, so be diligent.
Who could be a better guru than yourself well disciplined.”

Like the historical Buddha said before his death:
“Why should I leave instructions Ananda? Be a refuge unto yourselves. Be a lamp unto yourselves. Rely on yourselves and nothing else.”

I am adding the simple words of a dear friend:

“If you see some activity that is harmless, moral and benevolent to others but brings you deep irrational fear … This is something you need to try out. It may accelerate personal development while being helpful to others.”

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