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June 17, 2020

Embody Your Elite Feminine Sovereignty To Become an Unforgettable, Rare Woman

There’s an energy that you hold that men do not. Through us, they get to experience this mysterious magic and sensuality.


Feminine Sovereignty is the multi dimensional cosmic power you hold as a woman. Our bodies are infinite and eternal and this spiritual power is the only way men feel connected to the universe.


When they find it, it is something they feel compelled to cherish and honor because it is such a sacred and rare gift that they do not have access to on their own.


Many women have been duped thinking it’s their “doing” energy that will attract a man. The constant texting, chasing, anxiousness or trying to prove their worth ends up pushing away the connection you crave because what is needed more than anything else is your RADIANCE.


Without tapping into that power and fully understanding your gifts – it aligns you with less than honorable people and may open you up to be exploited. Not understanding your power may have you easily tricked into giving away your energy thinking you are empowered when really you are being siphoned and depleted.


But when you elevate and embody your divine nature you’ll no longer be a match to lower frequencies. You’ll never be used or exploited when you rise up. Those low vibrations cannot touch you when you elevate.


You’ll begin to align with higher quality matches when you get to know your inherent value. You discover this through your Feminine Sovereignty.


When you finally awaken that true sacredness – you become magnetic and everything you desire will come to YOU. No forcing, no manipulating, no control and no games. Just the authentic you and your internal value is more than enough.


Ashley Muse

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