June 3, 2020

We Will Do Better.

We will do better by not remaining silent to the things that hurt any longer.

We will do better by no longer saying it’s their problem, or his problem, or even hers.

We will do better by facing the truth about white silence, white privilege, and white America.

We will do better by being uncomfortable, by not letting this be about whites versus blacks but all of us together—everyone—against racism.

We will do better by calling out racist behavior or language.

We will do better not just by not being racist but by becoming anti-racist.

We will do better by rising up, by coming together and forcing the noose of prejudice from around the neck of this country.

We will do better by watching over our brothers and sisters of color to make sure they are treated justly. Fairly and with love. On the streets. In the workplace. In schools. In jails. In our homes. Everywhere.

We will do better by defunding the police and funding the black communities that need it the most.

We will do better by teaching our white children not to kill, fear, or hate when they grow up.

We will do better by teaching our children to see color out of a respect for our differences, but to see equality as well.

We will do better by using the strength in our voices to stand up for those who are tired of having to do so.

We will do better by not leaving it to the black community to speak for themselves once again and to fight this alone.

We will do better by getting our asses to the polls to vote in leaders who support equality and who believe in creating a better America by no longer separating it.

We will do better by not just posting a black square for #blackouttuesday but by speaking out today. Tomorrow. The next day. Next week and next month.

We will do better by holding ourselves to higher standards for not remaining blind or ignorant any longer.

We will do better by not quieting our voices for one more second, or one more day.

We will do better by not going back into the shadows thinking that it’s all okay now, that somehow it’s better—until real, lasting change has swept the nation.

We will do better by crossing the racial barriers built within cities and neighborhoods.

We will do better by ending self-segregation and the belief that there is an us versus them.

We will do better by admitting that there is a problem. That it began with our ancestors. But that it can end with us.

We will do better by giving a damn. By caring. By showing up for our neighbors and not worrying about if we have the right words, or if others will understand or condemn us.

We will do better by not going quietly into the night. Or the day.

We will do better by showing our children the truth.

We will do better by ending racial profiling.

We will do better by funding schools in low socioeconomic areas.

We will do better by community beautification projects.

We will do better by including talented black and brown authors, artists, scientists, historians, and musicians in our education system for all of our children. Every single damn month.

We will do better by teaching the actual true history of this nation and not that written to glorify the white savior complex.

We will do better by showing the same love and respect for black and brown peoples as we have for their culture.

We will do better by simply making the choice to do it, to stumble around until the way through becomes clear.

We will do better by removing the weight of poverty that we built to keep our black and brown brothers and sisters confined within a life of having to fight just to have enough.

We will do better, so our jail systems are no longer filled with those who had no other choice all because we never gave them one.

We will do better by you, for you, for us, and for all of our children.

We will do better because this has to stop now, because we have the collective power to do something about what we’re seeing that is nothing short of a crime against humanity.

We will do better because it’s become clear we can’t do any worse.

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Kate Rose  |  Contribution: 88,970

author: Kate Rose

Image: Author's own

Editor: Kelsey Michal