June 29, 2020

It All Begins with One Person Waking Up.

The world we are living in today is filled with so much hatred, greed, and selfishness.

It is difficult to see anything positive when everywhere we look there is nothing but despair and a sullen sense of hopelessness. We see death and destruction, wide cracks of separation and division between races, corrupt politicians, and abusive civil servant officers who violently kill.

The world seems to be up in flames with chaos and destruction everywhere we look. News broadcasts spill over, flooding our consciousness with images of death and corruption, beginning at the top and filtering down to the streets. But I say, it’s time to crack open the darkness and turn on the light of love.

We are all beings of light, and those of us who are “woke” must flip the switch, turn up, show up, and start implementing change. We must come together to gather our fragments of light so we can shift the atmosphere and sear the current canopy of darkness. By purposefully shifting our consciousness, we can see what it feels like to walk in another’s shoes, experience what it is like to be them, and understand their life, although different from what we know.

There are two sides to every coin; and while ignorance might be bliss, both sides spend the same. But until we wake up and see both sides, we are living in a glossy, translucent dream that does not allow light to prevail because we are asleep.

This dream time is significant to the ones who are asleep because they don’t know they are sleeping. The dream is all about them and what works for them. It’s not a problem when they’re in their house, sleepwalking, but when they walk out the door, still asleep—well, that’s where the problem begins. And yet, there is still hope for the sleeper. Together, we can wake them up before the coffee pot burns the house down!

We can all see what is fervently growing, attempting to destroy any semblance of hope, subtly crafted and designed to make people faint, give up, and lose heart. We can see what is trying to break our spirit by paying attention to what is being orchestrated to bring about foreboding doom. Those of us who carry light and love in our hearts can change this blistering climate of lava hatred.

I consider myself a Keeper of Light. I spread seeds of this light everywhere I go through my music, which is my mission on this planet. I believe that nothing is stronger than love, and that we all have seeds of light that can grow into enormous rays that will shine brightly in a dark world. When we come together as Keepers of Light, love begins to flow in the same direction and something phenomenal happens: we crack the darkness and light streams through, which changes the atmosphere and allows us to become more conscious and compassionate—which changes everything!

It all begins with one person waking up. With the world at a critical mass, we need to see what is really going on before our entire planet is destroyed, sheerly out of ignorance. We must realize that we are all global citizens living on planet Earth, each of us made up of the same substance. Our blood is red, we are flesh and bone, and we were all blessed with a voice and a brain. Each of us was created by God, and no one can veer away from that blueprint of mankind.

It does not matter how black or white, yellow or red our skin may be, at the end of the day we are the same. But an illusionary tapestry has been stitched together that blinds many eyes to this truth. It has seduced and beguiled sleepers to remain in the dream state, believing that they are not only the star of their dream but of the world. That is why a wake-up call is needed; it is time to sound the alarm, because no one person is the star of our collective consciousness.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. That is where the work of our souls tie in together. As we continue to evolve as humans, we become more alive spiritually, and that is what leads us to our wake-up call. What we used to brush under the rug is no longer possible on a global consciousness level. We are tripping over the clumping trash under the rug, and the piles of dirt on our collective floor are flying into our eyes as the winds of change blow.

We are no longer able to ignore the past with a blind eye. We now recognize that the sands of time whirling upward is to help us see. We are coming to understand that we are all links on a chain and that connects us all to one source. When we are “woke,” it’s easy to see that unification is power and with that power, we are able to help each other, lift one another, and shift from chaos and destruction to peace and strength, ultimately realizing that nothing is stronger than love.




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Dorie Pride  |  Contribution: 1,150

author: Dorie Pride

Image: Author's own

Editor: Nicole Cameron