July 28, 2020

A Poem For the Sensitive Ones.

For the sensitive ones:
Who feel so deeply,
But learned that feeling
Deeply came at a cost
Of deep pain.

Feeling in a world
Where feelings
Didn’t matter
Was too painful.

So we learned to numb,
To escape ourselves
By hardening over
Our watery nature.

We resurrected stone walls
As a fortress around us,
Found ways to not feel,
Found ways to escape
From this watery energy
That was us.

The sensitive ones
Don’t have it easy here
On this earth.

Weren’t told that
Was a gift to us all.

That their feelings
Didn’t need to shrink
To make the world
More comfortable.

That their bodies didn’t
Need to shrink as well.

That even though
They were taught,
And witnessed feelings
Volatile in their own
And demise.

That their feelings were safe.
That they were
Safe to feel.

The sensitive ones
Adapted to a world
Bent on not feeling,
In drugs,
Escape mechanisms.

We were just
Trying to survive.
Without dying ourselves.

So we latched onto
Numbing devices,
To keep us a little
Separate from it all.

To keep the little girl
Or boy in us safe.
But we forgot to listen
To them along the way.

Forgot to hear their
Pleas for our own
Sensitivity and care.

The sensitive ones
Are being brought
Back online,
The empaths,
The healers.

By being with their
Feelings and knowing
It is safe now.

Feeling is not a curse,
But a deep gift
To humanity.
To feel
Is to know
Deep in our hearts,
Who and what we are.

To the sensitive ones
Who forgot this
Was a gift,
May we walk together

Hand in hand,
Heart to heart.
Leaning in,
Feeling safe,
Nurturing ourselves
With the tenderness
The world never showed us.

The sensitive ones
Will rise
But not broken;
But so damn strong,
And equally soft.

Keep feeling,
Dear one.
Let the world’s pain
Wash out of you.

Sweet one,
You are different
For a reason.



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Anna Palmer  |  Contribution: 34,420

author: Anna Palmer

Image: Author's own

Image: Mysi/Flickr

Editor: Naomi Boshari