August 12, 2020

Write your way to a life you love, with Elephant Academy.


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Writing isn’t (just) for writers.

It’s for anyone who wants free therapy, really, or a path to making friends with ourself, and our life, and the parts of that self and life that we may not much like.

This kind of mindful writing can inspire others to make friends with themselves, too. It’s a form of activism, in this crazy world. It’s fun. And it’s easy, when we engage naturally, without pretense.

We’ll write together this Spring, for 6 weeks. You can join me and 100s of dear peers from around our world in bringing what the Academy offers back to this world, just when we might need it most.

Especially now, in times of Covid, we’re around screens more than ever. What better way to transform this sometimes isolating time into empathetic, fun community?

Join Write your Heart Out.

Elephant Academy can be hard to describe.

It’s a lot of things: it’s an investment in yourself, in your career skills. It’s a form activism, too—inspiring others to turn away from engaging the world with hate and division, to walking their own path of caring. It’s a spiritual path toward truth, and Maitri, toward making friends with yourself, in caring community.

Let’s write our way to a life we love together. Enrollment closes March 29th: Join our Spring 2022 Write your Heart Out course.

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Image: Giulia Rosa/Instagram