August 1, 2020

Confessions of a Sexual Woman.

A part of my maturing as a human being around the erotic has been letting go of an incredibly limited lens of what sensual and sexual is.

It used to be (unconsciously) around self-image; desire; pleasure; to gain something from outside (usually a man and his desire); for feelings of approval, validation, and what defined my feminine expression.

My body, the nakedness, and the sensual expression of it were in a box of suffocation and limitation imposed on me from external programming of oppression.

After reconnecting to my innocence, which has been the biggest aspect of my shadow integration, now the erotic is the fundamental vehicle toward my aliveness.

The erotic (Eros), to me, is my aliveness.

It is the profound feeling that abides in the joy and fulfillment of being fully present and embracing my whole experience as it is. Knowing every moment is my teacher to greater awakening and truth—yes, even the pain and the grief that can come too.

It has nothing to do with sexuality or sensuality and everything to do with the relationship I have being wholeheartedly present and embodied, with acceptance and expression of the multifaceted nature of who I am, in each of these moments, regardless of judgment and rejection.

The reclamation of the erotic allows me to reside in my full agency and sovereignty as a human being.

It is the inner pulse that guides me into trusting life, leaning into the unknown, being comfortable in my skin, and resting into my natural expression beyond a narrative that is not mine to keep.

What happens for you when you let go of all the ideals, constructs, and programs you’ve absorbed in your life—heck, even your lineage?

Who are you in relation to the erotic when you breathe it all out, and rest into total presence and being?

That is my invitation to you.

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Maanee Chrystal Joy  |  Contribution: 860

author: Maanee Chrystal Joy

Image: Author's own

Editor: Kelsey Michal