August 24, 2020

Whether it’s Back to School or School from Home—I Support you.

September is nearing. Back to school seems to be the hot topic online and at kitchen tables.

Being a momma myself, I can totally relate when another momma mentions how classroom sizes concern her. I can totally relate when another parent mentions how kids have no true concept of how serious this virus is. I can relate when I see a comment referencing how kids are not going to wear masks all day, and questions on how and who will be enforcing that they do.

It seems to me that we mommas and pappas are in a mosh pit of back to school fears and concerns, on top of the usual back to school feels. This is usually such an exciting time of year.

Usually, this time of year I am stocking up on socks, grabbing up pencils, markers, a new lunch box, and figuring out what to pack into it. As well as getting excited for the return of our daily routine, after-school activities, and hearing about my child’s day.

This year, I am excited for these things, but I am also scared.

I have stocked up on masks, I have taught the proper hand-washing technique, and I have discussed physical distancing with my child. Yet, this year feels like a goulash of the tried-and-true, with a big helping of who knows?

We are all doing our best. Right?

Heading into this school year, I plan to honour my own opinions and feelings, and embrace that teaching my child to mask up, keep clean, and keep a safe distance while being kind and respectful is about all I can do as a parent. This is about being kind and caring to fellow students and educators, as well as to himself.

I am just going to continue doing my best with what I have, where I am, and when I can. While doing this, I am also committing to remaining flexible, because if I have learned anything from COVID-19, it is that all we can control is how we respond in life.

Back to school 2020 is unique, a little scary, and also exciting! Our kids have been through so much and they need us to embrace the excitement too. Whatever back to school looks like for your family. If it is at home, make it exciting too.

Of all of the things I do not know, something I do know is that responding to this school year from a place of flexibility, a desire to learn, and a promise to do my best as a parent is all I have to give. And that is enough, however that looks for whomever you are.

Whether it is back to school or home school, let’s just choose to support one another and be kind.

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Courtney Murrell  |  Contribution: 1,115

author: Courtney Murrell

Image: Julia M Cameron

Editor: Farah Hany