September 25, 2020

In these Unexpected Times, Can we Live as a Happy Dog?

Today, I am a happy dog. 

Is it too difficult to sit and listen? Too much for me to do it with my ears perked up and my head cocked to the side, giving those speaking my full, undivided attention? No, it is not.

Today, I’ll refrain from reacting with my constant barrage of barking back. I’ll keep my barks to myself and remain mindfully quiet, unless it’s really important.

I’ll eat and drink just enough, and enjoy a delicious treat or two, without feeling ashamed or gluttonous. I’ll feel, instead, enjoyment, because I deserve my treats, for being so damn good.

I’ll go outside for a few nice long walks.

I’ll take some time today to smell the air and watch what’s happening. I’ll explore my surroundings and greet people with my friendly, curious disposition. I’ll stop what I’m doing to eagerly check things out, but I will not invade your personal space.

I’ll be a scout, and do my best to lead the way. I’ll confidently forge ahead to make sure the coast is clear for all others who are counting on me for this reason.

The job of protector is one I’ll take seriously.

I might wander and meander along a dusty trail, going off into what interests me. I love being off-leash, but I’ll always return to my people.

I’ll come home feeling great because my healthy, living body sure loves to move. My senses need fresh stimulation to help me feel alive and whole. Oh, how I love a good run on a crisp, fall day!

I’ll stop to look out my window. I’ll watch the sun, the squirrels, the busy birds, and the wind as it blows through the trees. I’ll watch the little boy on his bicycle speeding past, and I’ll listen for the mail carrier with anticipation because it’s always fun to get the mail, even if it’s junk, I don’t care what anyone says.

I’ll be sweet, too.

I might be cautious for a moment, but ultimately, I’ll be kind and loving. But if my instincts tell me a different story about you, don’t expect much. I’ll keep on moving and I will not stay.

I’ll find time to play, because play is super important to me. It matters, and I want to have fun. I want to feel joy and pleasure deep inside my soul. I’m always up for play, so call me (or whistle!) and I’ll come right on over!

I’ll even wag my tail a bit when I see you because I love you more than you’ll ever know. 

I’ll also follow the rules, the ones not written down, the ones understood. Rules are important to me.

And I’ll drop down to rest the moment I’m tired. Oh, how I love a good nap. On my back, on my side, up on the couch. In the bed. Outside in the sun. I need naps to feel my best.

I’ll be your loyal friend, too. Loyal to the core, unless you hurt me. I will still love you, though, despite the hurt, even if you treat me poorly because your actions and your words are about you and your journey. They are not about me. This is something all dogs know.

Should I learn some new tricks today? I think I should.

If you’re with me, I might dash and plunge right into the lake. I might wade into a stream. I might even jump through a hoop just because I want to. Don’t be surprised, just be ready!

I’ll enjoy your companionship and the good fortune I’ve been granted, just because I’m here today.

Times are difficult, yes—and the challenges keep on coming—but I can still live with a grateful, enduring, hopeful heart, and so I will.

I’ll let someone else do the cooking, the cleaning, the appointment making, and the planning. I’ll let someone else be in charge for a change. And while all the busy people are bustling around, I will be napping.

To keep loneliness at bay, I might curl up with you. I always feel a sense of comfort and stability when we are together. I’m happy when I’m not neglected, when I don’t have to beg for your attention, so please have a care for me today.

Tonight, I’ll sprawl out next to a crackling fire, just to be quiet and feel the warmth; just to let the lullaby of night noises softly settle inside my ears. I don’t like to be worried, anxious, or consumed by complicated things I can’t control, and a fire after a long day helps with this.

Before I fall asleep, I’ll give myself a good brushing just because it feels good. If you want, you can give me a nice massage, I won’t say no. 

I know I’m blessed in life, love, and the world at large when I keep my expectations simple. When I exist inside the present moment, follow some rules, explore with abandon, and savor the abundant bounty of meeting my own soul-satisfying needs, I am happiest.

When I remember to live like a well-loved dog, I feel an unparalleled sense of well-being —a kismet that lingers and spreads.

Life isn’t as easy or care-free for humans as it can be for our furry, four-legged friends, but some days call for the pure pleasure of thriving within the good graces of ourselves—don’t you think?

Sometimes we need to just be and let it be—like a happy dog.

Ain’t nothing wrong with that.



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Kimberly Valzania  |  Contribution: 157,260

author: Kimberly Valzania

Image: Artem Beliaikin/Pexels

Editor: Elizabeth Brumfield