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September 16, 2020

Path of the Soul

Daily we get trapped in the seduction of our thoughts, trapped in the limitations of our minds, of who we think we are.. but are we really our beliefs? Are we really our thoughts? And if we aren’t, then who are we?

We have moments of mindlessness but often we just don’t know we are experiencing them because when we are in no-mind, there’s no one there to say “THIS IS IT!” — we just ARE it. We are BEING it and it isn’t until we look back retrospectively that we notice we were melted with existence, that all boundaries burned away and we were one with ourselves — one with the inner riches of our own depth.

This is why embodiment is so important on this journey. We must take the teachings and integrate them because the path of the soul isn’t an intellectual concept — the path of the soul is an inner experience that is meant to be felt and even though my soul is expressed through words, my words could never convey my experiences. For my experiences are highly individual. Deeply intimate.

So go on and follow your heart. Allow it to guide you and feel the gentle pull towards certain teachers, mystics, modalities, places and people and notices how these pulls are something from the beyond. Something unexplainable, illogical, irrational. Something beyond the structures of the mind. This is the inner experience. This is the realm where miracles live, where souls are born, where the path is carved and where who you really are will forever exist.

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