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October 18, 2020

3 Simple Manifestation Meditations to Help Create A Wealth Mindset

We’ve all heard about the importance of shifting our mindsets in order to allow ourselves to manifest our deepest desires. But how, exactly, do we do that? Here are three manifestation meditation practices to help you get started!

Shreem Brzee

Shreem Brzee is the ultimate sound for material and spiritual wealth. The Shreem Brzee sounds can help increase your joy and peace, and support financial abundance. With consistent use, this mantra can destroy scarcity from your consciousness. Chanting Shreem Brzee while meditating or while going about your regular day can shift your vibration to that of inner and outer wealth. 


Kleem holds a sound frequency that can silently remedy relationship problems and bring more love and success to all of your relationships. One of the reasons Kleem is such a successful relationship mantra is because it helps to remove judgements from your mind. Without judgements, you are better able to see a situation and everyone involved more objectively and show up with an energy of love versus criticism. When you release criticism, you stop trying to control other people’s behaviour. This allows you to relate to others in a whole new, more peaceful way. Quietly imagine the energy of Kleem surrounding you and your relationships while meditating, chant Kleem daily, or simply listen to a Kleem mantra while completing your daily activities.

Connect with the Goddess

Creation is in the domain of the Goddess who knows how to transform energy into matter. So, choosing a Goddess to call upon during certain times in your life can be really beneficial. For example Lakshmi is perfect for manifesting abundance, prosperity, and wealth. You can call upon Goddess Durga for protection, and Mother Mary for womb chakra activation and creativity. Choose a Goddess that you feel could help you best during this time in your life and incorporate her mantra into your meditation and chanting practices.


The key to manifesting your dreams is simply taking the first step. Choose one of these manifestation practices to begin incorporating into your life daily. Chant, meditate or listen to the mantras associated with Shreem Brzee, Kleem or the Goddess and notice the energy that begins to flow into your life. 


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